The Rabbit And The Turtle : Moral Story

3 min readJul 10, 2022


rabbit and turtle short moral stories

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a tortoise in a forest. The hare was very proud of his speed. Whenever he saw the turtle and its slow movement, he used to make fun of it. One day the rabbit invited the tortoise to race and said that whoever will win the race.

He will also get a reward. The tortoise knew that he could not run as fast as the rabbit, but still the tortoise agreed to race with the rabbit. When other animals in the forest came to know about this race, then the talk of this race of rabbit and tortoise spread like fire in the forest.

On the day the race was about to take place, all the animals of the forest reached the place of the race. To win the race, it was determined that whoever reaches the front hill first will win the race.

After this the race of Rabbit and Tortoise begins. The rabbit starts running at his own fast pace while the tortoise moves at a very slow speed. All the animals of the forest understood only at the start of the race that who is going to win the race.

After running for some time, when the rabbit looked back, he could not see the tortoise far away. The rabbit was a little tired. He thought that he should take some rest. After that he will run again. Thinking this the rabbit started resting under a tree.

He did not even know when the rabbit’s eye fell while resting. When the rabbit was sleeping, the tortoise walked slowly and reached the place where the rabbit was sleeping. When the tortoise saw the rabbit sleeping, it quietly went ahead of that place.

After some time, when the rabbit’s eyes opened, he realized that it was too late for him to sleep. Then he got up and started running towards the hill at his full speed. On the way, he did not see the tortoise anywhere. He was afraid that the tortoise might not reach the hill first.

When he reached the hill, he saw the tortoise standing reaching the finishing line. After this the rabbit reached the finishing line. Seeing the tortoise standing on the hill first, the rabbit felt very embarrassed.

He was very proud of his fast pace, but the tortoise had broken his pride by reaching the hill before him. All the animals of the forest were also very surprised when the turtle won the first race. He congratulated the turtle for winning the race. The turtle was rewarded by the animals of the forest for winning the race.


The first lesson we get from Rabbit And Turtle is that we should never be proud. A person who boasts always has to be ashamed. Just as the rabbit was proud of his speed, but he was embarrassed in front of everyone after the turtle won the race.



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