4 reasons why the news is a marketer’s best friend

Hint: your best resource is FREE

4 min readJun 24, 2016


The internet can be a cruel place, especially for marketers.

With people now bombarded with online messages, marketers are struggling more than ever to penetrate the consciousness of their audience. We all want viral content, but increasingly the only way of achieving this is to understand what your audience cares about.

The fact of the matter is that people can only engage with so many issues at one time. So how can you predict the issues at the top of your audience’s agenda?

Let’s take a look at 5 key reasons why the news is a marketer’s best friend — and how you can leverage this to create your most shareable campaign!

1) News sets the agenda

We’re all different — but not that different. Nearly everyone checks the news at some point during the day. It acts as a filter, telling large groups of people what’s important and priming them to want to engage with those issues.

As a result, you can be reasonably sure that content relating to news issues will be well-received by your audience. Still not convinced? Here’s a great example from Mini, who took the rather morbid EU horse meat scandal and turned it into a stroke of advertising genius:

Here, a keen eye on the news allowed Mini to produce an ad that was funny, highly relevant and also delivered their brand message perfectly. The ultimate content, driven by current events.

By understanding what the public cares about, marketers maximize their chances of producing engaging and impactful content. And it can be as simple as following the news.

2) News events make for memorable quotes

Big events mean big voices.

Nearly every news story contains quotes because people value the opinions of well- known figures. This is a great opportunity for brands to curate celebrity quotes that match up with their own message.

Here’s a great example of a quote about global warming — featured in the news following the Paris Climate Summit — that could make perfect content for any eco-friendly product. The fact that the words come from a political figure only add authenticity to the message.

The best part of curating news quotes is that they come from a voice external to your brand, and so are worth more to your audience. So get curating to find the voices advocating you!

3) Timely content marks your brand as an authority

Every brand wants to appear informed and trustworthy; staying abreast of current affairs is a great way to achieve this. Closely following news that relates to your industry not only means you’ll produce content that’s relevant to your market; it also allows you to build authority and trust with your audience.

4) News-related content drives engagement

Ever checked out the comments section at the bottom of news articles? Then you’ll know they are some of the most active places on the internet! There is just something about the news that fires us up — people LOVE to give their opinions about events, tag friends and share news stories to their own page. It’s the type of reaction content marketers dream of.

Why not incorporate that buzz into your content strategy. Here’s a fantastic example: last year, Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson was dismissed by the BBC after he punched one of his catering staff, blaming his outburst on being hungry. The incident remained front page news for the week that followed.

Snickers at its sarcastic finest

Behold the result! The marketing team at Snickers took advantage of the ensuing scandal with this stroke of genius. Not only is this campaign relevant and hilarious — it also got re-tweeted more than 5,000 times.

Marketers who keep a close eye on news events maximize their chances of sharing in the existing buzz. The result — your band message goes further for no extra cost.

Coming up with a great campaign is never easy. But by keeping your finger on the pulse of big issues, you can ensure your content is on point, charged with buzz and ready to be shared!

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