Why teach new investors is important

2 min readJun 3, 2018


At the peak of the market, the industry attracted a lot of people who have no idea about the essence of the work of the blockchain systems and whose professional activities are not connected with the technical field. Is it bad? No, it’s absolutely normal.

When we release a concept where there is an unknown factor, in our case it is a team, new investors simply do not have enough knowledge to evaluate a product where the emphasis is on the technical part. These people will constantly face the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to understand the business plan or some technical details that may prove to be a decisive factor for investment or vice versa, to exit the project.

Such problems lead us to the need to create more and more platforms that would teach people who have recently entered the crypto currency market. It’s not just about technical knowledge, but also basic economic / financial. Therefore, we will gladly support any project that develops in this direction and helps the health of the sphere.

Despite the fact that at the moment there are many resources and advisors who are engaged in professional assessment of the prospects of projects, the industry is becoming more corrupt and it is important to make decisions independently, without shifting responsibility for your money to third-party services.




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