Enhanced User Interface in Signals™ 2.0 — Part 1

Bella Wei
2 min readMay 31, 2016


Signals™ helps companies bring data silos together onto a common visualization platform so all employees can access and explore the data that drives their business. Everyone can glean and share insights across channels and improve business outcomes. It’s not just business analysts that use the platform. Users include C-suite executives and employees in every department: Sales, Customer Care, Marketing, IT Support, Product , Finance, HR, and Operations.

We believe the best insights are achieved when computer analysis results are provided to a human analyst. In our newest release of the service, Signals™ 2.0, the user interface is completely enhanced. This enables you to create meaningful customized and sharable dashboards that meet your day-to-day analytics needs. We created three layers of the new Signals™ 2.0 interface — presentation layer, exploration layer, and annotation layer — which make data analytics easy to do on a macro or micro level.


Presentation layer — the presentation layer sits on pixel-perfect dashboard with variable visualizations. It allows a consistent and intriguing visualization environment that motivates users to interact with data. Elements are resizable and movable on the screen.

Exploration Layer — the exploration layer enables users to seamlessly depict information from
multiple aspects and dynamically link information from various data sources. We emphasize the design of simple and intuitive interaction throughout our system. A simple click will transition from presentation to exploration levels in order to drill into the data and investigate.

Annotation Layer — the annotation layer enables the collaboration and insight finding
efforts for every analytics group company-wide. Anyone can annotate and directly share their findings with colleagues and their managers.


  • Pixel-Perfect Dashboard

We enable a pixel-level editing for any UI elements on the platform. Visualizing data is so much easier and controllable with the new drag-and-drop and resizing capabilities.

  • Advanced visualization with intuitive viewing optimization.

Customizable Dashboard on Signals™ 2.0 provides you with the autonomy of displaying analysis results with an optimal visualization. Users are encouraged to prioritize findings by resizing and repositioning Widgets in the presentation view of the Dashboard.

  • Sharing

The share capability of Dashboard creates an immersive analytics culture in your company where more data is consumed with less confusion. Create a custom dashboard, annotate your findings, and share it with colleagues for their input. Collaboration on analytics has never been easier.

Over the next few weeks we will post more information about the specific functions and capabilities being introduced in Signals 2.0. Can’t wait for the blog posts? Email clientsupport@stratifyd.com and we will be happy to work with you.

Part 2 of this post is now available — click here!

