Streamex — The Next High-ROI, High-Potential Exchange Token
3 min readApr 10, 2019


Crypto traders are always looking for the next thing that’s going to explode. The opportunity to get in early on something big, and capitalize. The profit one can make from an unseen diamond in the rough is often many times higher than sticking with the status quo.

In 2019, the big opportunity is in exchange tokens. While the market fluctuates, exchange tokens hold their value. Whether traders are buying or selling, bullish or bearish, exchange tokens are still useful. This is unique to anything in crypto, and we’re starting to see the results.

Exchange tokens are already making their mark on the trading landscape. Binance Coin (BNB) is showing traders the potential these tokens hold, making waves in the market so far this year. But it’s unlikely to be the only exchange coin to break out.

Binance Coin Set the Standard… What’s Next?

As mentioned before, Binance Coin has made traders sit up and take notice of exchange tokens. At a time where many tokens are down over 80% from their all-time high, Binance Coin is bucking the trend.

At the time of ICO, BNB was just $0.11. Now, in a supposed bear market, its value has risen to around $18 — a rise of over 160x on ICO. In 2019 alone, when many coins trend downwards, BNB has tripled in value, topping out thus far at nearly $20. It’s now the 7th highest value crypto token and is threatening to go even higher.

Price rise of Binance Coin over Q1 [source:]

While the dreams of making 160x on BNB have passed, traders are now on the lookout for what’s next. It’s unlikely that the success of this one exchange coin is an outlier. So, if it’s kicking off a trend, there remains similar ROI potential from a new token.

STE token, the native token of the soon-to-be-launched Streamex exchange, may be the next big thing. Backed by an intuitive and engaging trading platform, STE token has the potential to net an excellent return for those lucky enough to get in during ICO. The token has a model for success and should see returns like Binance once the exchange builds steam.

Imagine getting in early on BNB. STE token gives traders the opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Don’t Miss Out on Streamex is a new exchange and social trading platform. The exchange promises to bring a new, more engaging trading experience to the crypto world.

Crypto is dying out for an exchange that facilitates onboarding of new traders while incentivizing activity from pro traders. This is exactly why Streamex was created.

Streamex introduces new trading initiatives such as social trading and community trading pools. By increasing the avenues people are able to take part in crypto, the exchange promises to bring new life to the crypto landscape.

Pool trading gives novice traders an easy way into the market and allowing experts the opportunity to manage higher-value, higher-return traders. Social trading features — the ability to follower top traders and their activity — let pro traders build their profile, and gives new traders a benchmark to reach for.

The exchange also brings new ways to encourage competition between traders and offers recognition for those outstanding in their field. Trading tournaments, ROI-based leaderboards and a trading “hall of fame” make the Streamex exchange a fresh, exciting new approach to crypto trading.

All the bells and whistles of Streamex are backed up by a fast, secure, solid foundation. A powerful matching engine, high-level security features, and an intuitive user interface means Streamex meets the needs of any trader.

The STE token is currently being launched — it won’t stay unknown forever. Time is running out to get in on the next high-potential exchange token.

Learn more at or read the whitepaper.



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