Fuck You Logic! — This Is What I learned From My First Half-Marathon

Yes, that’s damn right!

Ajitesh Abhishek
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2016


“Why are you subdued today?” my girlfriend asked. Like every downhearted person I was not interested in explaining why. So I just replied with world’s most overused and meaningless phrase — “nothing”.

Despite being workaholic and happily married to my job, I am always off after target discussion at office. It has been fucking demotivating, always. On the top of that, due to stupid rule at my flat, there was no dinner for me that day. I just wanted to lock myself in a room and scream fuck off at the top of my voice!! This stupid “Death By Hunger Trumps Waste” rule was — If you don’t inform on whatsapp group that you are in for dinner, then go die of hunger. Unfortunately all this happened on the night before my first 21k.

I always wanted to complete in less than 2 hr. But, my coach and everyone was asking me to go with 2:15 hr pacer in half marathon (Pacer is most selfless runner in marathon, who helps you complete race in your target time). I was convinced. It was comfortable, I was sure of finishing this way. I knew it was fucking logical thing to do!

Before she questions my “nothing” I quickly interjected — I have 2 options for tomorrow’ event. Either go for achievable 2:15 hr bus or I can go for difficult 2 hr…

