Students let’s share our tests and typical test questions

Student Center
4 min readOct 9, 2022


A different type of question than we have learned to solve shows up on tests and exams, still somehow being expected of us to know. What we learn in class, and what comes on the test, are indeed different. Most of us prepare by working from a textbook and think we are prepared. Then, comes the test, and says otherwise.

Students have taken tests, which the teacher admittedly admitted having brought from another textbook. Another textbook, which we (students) had not worked from or had access to. It is finally time that we students team up and help one another. Grades and specific tests do not only measure our competency, but our test-taking skills, and knowledge of different types of questions.

How can we solve different types of questions, more than we have learned in class? The solution is to have access to past tests. Students that have siblings a few years ahead, specifically one year ahead, have a huge advantage. They can access past chapter tests and midterms through their sibling. Likewise, students’ friends with older peers, can have vital information about typical test questions. Knowing typical test questions, and having access to past tests, is gold. This vital information should not be limited. How frustrating is it to have studied, and put an awful amount of effort into working through class notes and textbooks? Only to discover that the test turns up twisted and bundled around, unlike any of the questions you have worked on.

Being a good student is more than our study techniques, but our test-taking abilities. Being a good test taker is knowing different types of questions and the way to solve them. To be a good test taker, we have to familiarize ourselves with different types of problems. The way most of us try to do this is by working from different textbooks. However, as students our access are limited.

We can only develop our test-taking skills, and deepen and challenge our understanding by taking more tests. A different type of question than we have learned to solve shows up on tests and exams, still somehow being expected of us to know. Students let’s share our past tests and typical test questions. We “the student organization” will start. Join, and share your past tests, typical mistakes, and notes. We will also give access to a student forum, where students can share their experiences taking a specific test for new students. Completing a course and its tests and exams, is an upside hill, sometimes a battle fought with tears. After finally enduring it all, and having completed it, “Reach back, and pull someone else up”. Through sharing your experience, and information on the course and its tests. “Each one, teach one” (Denzel Washington, 2017, 8:05)

Students having access to past tests and exams is not cheating. “Surely it’s cheating to sit a driving exam when you’ve been shown how to drive before! (sarcasm).” — Tasos Papastylianou Aug 2, 2019, at 9:20

For a driving exam, you surely show up prepared. You spend time learning to drive, guided by a family member or a friend. This is long before you even take the driving exam. The same is for school exams. Being able to practice the exam situation, is in doing past exams. Practices such as completing within the time frame, and learning to work fast and effectively. All this preparation is essential for a good outcome. Students should have tests and exam banks that they can study from. In addition to advice from experienced students, and detailed input on how to study and do well. This is a win/win solution with a “better way, and a higher way”. We “the student organization” promote an abundance mentality, “a paradigm that there is plenty out there for everybody”. “and enough to spare for everybody”. It is recognizing unlimited possibilities for positive interactive growth, development, and empowerment. We believe in win/win, abundance mentality, and public victory. Public Victory is not having victory over others. Public victory is effective interaction, which is mutually beneficial through working together and communicating together. (Covey, 2004) “Student Web Center” is a well-established student organization, that serves to help and guide one into achieving one’s potential.


Denzel Washington. (2017). Put God First — Denzel Washington Motivational & Inspiring Commencement Speech, Above Inspiration [video]. Youtube

StackExchange. (2019). Should students have access to past exams or an exam bank? ACADEMIA.

Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic ([Rev. ed.].). Free Press.

