Parents Tell Leaders in Albany: #AllKidsCan Succeed

2 min readJan 13, 2016


On January 12th, hundreds of StudentsFirstNY parent volunteers took the steps of the State Capitol Building to tell elected officials that their communities need more high-quality school options in so that all kids can succeed.

Take a look at some of the photos from the event below, and then join the #AllKidsCan campaign:

Parents arrive in Albany and head into the State Capitol Building
Parents send a message to state leaders: our voice matters and we’re going to keep making it heard until all our children have great school options and quality teachers.
Tenicka Boyd, a public school parent and StudentsFirstNY’s Senior Director of Organizing kicks off the event.
“We can’t just keep running education in the same way and expect different results.” — Tenicka Boyd
“The zoned public schools in Jamaica, Queens are not serving the needs of my community,” said Crystal Lee-McJunkin a traditional public school parent in Jamaica, Queens
StudentsFirstNY organizer and public school parent Petula Hanley travels two hours every day so her daughter can attend a quality school.
Niferteriah Jones explains that there were no quality district middle school options for her daughter Zaniah, so she now attends a public charter school.
All kids can succeed when they have quality school options. Children across New York need better schools.
Our kids can’t wait another year. They need quality school options, and they need them now.
Families from across New York City are depending on leaders in Albany to fight for them.

Learn more and join these families in telling state leaders that #AllKidsCan succeed when they have quality school options and great teachers:




StudentsFirst New York, a grassroots movement to transform public education in the Empire State.