
Alistair 'Sturr' Muhire
4 min readOct 9, 2017


This is a moment of clarity.

I’ve always enjoyed writing, whether it was my own content or even paraphrasing from things I watched or listened to. There was a point in my life during my late teens where hip hop began to have a heavy influence on certain parts of my lifestyle. Rap and the art of lyricism more specifically… So I began to write rhymes in a rather mellow poetic fashion at first and then evolved into writing what they call “Bars” in the hip-hop culture. I loved doing it, and got pretty good at it in the process. At one point I began recording myself performing these written lyrical pieces and started sharing them on social media (Facebook Videos). My content never reached the masses, but I was always okay with that. It was never my intention at the time for it to be spread wide. I had my small group of mainly friends, some family members (My big sis is still always one of my biggest supporters in everything I do), as well as some random rhyme lovers here and there.

That experience was one of the first times I recognized my creativity. It was probably the first time I saw something that I enjoyed, imagined I was pretty good at it and did something that felt really different with it. I have this amazing way of playing with words in my writing and sometimes in speaking aloud. I just have never consistently kept that control…well at least thats how it felt like. But similar to everything else In my life at the moment, i’m beginning to learn as I grow my mind, and my communication channels are something I think deeply about in terms of improvement and diversification.

I am a storyteller

“…I am going to be the greatest storyteller of life’s journey to success through my own creation of success in life and business” — Alistair Muhire (The Decision; A letter to myself)

One thing I’ve noticed about how I tell my stories (especially through writing) is the unorthodox approach I’ve developed and owned in the process. Someone asked me the other day If I ever took an english literature or writing course during my time in University. I think the closest thing to it was an AP English (Advanced placement) course in high school. I can’t remember if I did well or not, but one thing I do remember is how good I was at improvising (coming up with words to fill space) whenever I had to write an essay or any kind of report. It was like my secret weapon that I could call upon during times I was stuck or just wasn’t interested in writing about whatever it was we were being told to write about.

Due to the fact that I’ve never really learned how to “properly” write, my style has been the result of my thinking process translated onto paper or digital text (including social media) and even through my voice in conversation or any recorded content (audio, video) that I’ve ever put together. Small things you’ll notice especially in my writing pieces are things like run-on sentences, improper punctuation or these things “……” Yup the dots, I love these F*cking dots!

I call it my “Thinking process Translated” which I’m actually just about to coin as the TPT if that isn’t already a thing which I highly doubt. Put simply this is the manner in which I communicate the things that flow in my head. When I talk to people whether I’m trying to get a point across, tell them about my weekend, argue about sports, tell them how much I care about them, etc… Whether they resonate or not, agree or not… they can interpret it and thats really all that matters. I know how to be heard, and if the person or people I am attempting to communicate with can get that message through whichever medium I use (All puns intended), well then my story is being told.

Now that’s definitely not the entire scope of my creation process… there is a WHOLE LOT MORE TO IT. When I create I do it so that the end user is able to Listen/Read — Understand — Practice — Know. Although this is literally the process in which most of us use to LEARN something, I can’t credit the structure of this formula as It was shared to me in these exact words by a close family friend of mine who I recently connected with discussing the idea of growth. This is an area/topic I would love to dive deeper in and that I will do…just not today.

The point of this post however was to give you ConText (now why am I spelling the word in this way with a capital T?… Who knows but it looks cool and maybe there is reason for it, remember I have this weird way of manipulating words haha).

This is my “creation DNA”… I can share it and not worry about losing it because it is mine and mine only. It is irreplaceable and most of all it is Infinite. I want to thank the people who’ve encouraged me to identify and show the world my creative style. Not because I want or need everyone to see it, but instead to let you know that each and every one of you have it to, dig deep to find it, embrace it…and show it to the world!

All I’ve done is given you ConText…We all have a way of telling our stories, mine happens to be the TPT.

What’s yours?

Just Create

#iWrite #ContinualGrowth #ImNotARapperIJustRhymeAlot #ConText #TPT



Alistair 'Sturr' Muhire

Learner | Creator | Worker | #ContinualGrowth | Learn.Innovate.Value.Enjoy