The Story of Python: A Magic Language That Changes the World.

Subhash Kumar Yadav
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Alex Chumak on Unsplash


Today, let’s travel through the magical world of Python, a special language that has done amazing things and made many dreams come true.

Once Upon a Time:

Long ago, in the land of computers, a clever person named Guido made Python. He wanted to create a language that was easy to use and fun, like playing with toys. So, he named it after his favorite TV show, Monty Python.

The Amazing Powers of Python:

Think of Python like a magic wand that can do many things

1. Building Websites: Just like how you build a house with Lego, Python helps make websites. It’s like building blocks that fit together perfectly.

Example : Instagram uses Python to let people share photos and stories with friends.

2. Exploring Data: Imagine you have a big treasure chest full of data. Python helps you open it up, look inside, and find the treasures hidden within.

Example : Scientists use Python to study things like weather patterns and find out about climate change.

3. Creating Smart Machines: Have you seen robots in movies? Python helps make them real! It teaches them to learn, talk, and even recognize faces.

Example: Smart assistants like Alexa and Siri use Python to understand what you say and answer your questions.

4. Making Work Easier: Just like how magic spells can help with chores, Python can do tasks for us. It’s like having a helpful friend who knows exactly what you need.

Example: Python can help teachers grade papers faster or farmers track their crops’ growth.

The Good and the Not-So-Good

Good Things: Python is easy to learn and read, like your favorite storybook. It can do so many things and has lots of friends (developers) who help make it better every day!

Not-So-Good Things: Sometimes, Python might take a bit longer to do big tasks. It’s like waiting for your favorite cookies to bake in the oven — it’s worth it, but it takes time!

Python’s Magic Touch

Python’s magic touches everything around us! From the games you play on your tablet to the cool apps on your parents’ phones, Python helps make them all. It’s like the secret ingredient that makes everything work like magic!

The End, or Is It Just the Beginning ?

So, remember that Python is more than just a language — it’s a friend who helps make dreams come true. Whether you want to build robots, explore space, or create amazing games, Python will be there to guide you on your magical journey!

So, only as a beginner who has chosen Python as the first language to enter the programming field, I have taken the first step on an exciting journey of discovery and learning.



Subhash Kumar Yadav

Just sharing my thoughts and my journey. I am beginner aiming to become a web developer. I am currently engaged in open-source learning. That's it.