Setting the Record Straight

2 min readFeb 22, 2019


Earlier today there was a post put out regarding movement of SUB token asserting that a Substratum-Linked Wallet sent 3.5M SUB tokens to Binance prior to our statement in regards to the Binance delisting.

The following article will prove that this is false and based on lack of research or intentionally posted to harm Substratum as a company, product and token.

The publisher of this article is mistaken. The December 22 2018 transaction was part of our token swap that took place where all Substratum token holders received an equal amount of the newly updated Substratum Token through the new Smart Contract. You can see that new contract here:

The article cites a deposit that was made using a transaction which can be seen here:

The problem is the article insinuates that this was a manual token move by Substratum the company or one of its employees or representatives. This is plainly false as this was part of the overall token swap. In fact, if you go to the smart contract execution you can see hundreds of transactions occurring right in the same timeframe (see screenshot below).

The highlighted row is the transaction in question, you can clearly see hundreds of transactions surrounding it as part of the Token Swap

Also upon examination of the wallet in question you see that the owner has been accumulating SUB for 525 Days as of February 22, 2019. They gradually picked up SUB over the last year and a half and received an even swap for the amount they had accumulated just like all SUB holders did (screenshot and link below)

Here you can see the wallet started purchasing and holding Substratum over 525 days ago

In summary, no SUB has ever been traded by the company. Substratum’s founder and CEO, Justin Tabb, posted to his personal Twitter further confirmation showing his personal Binance trading history.




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