Substratum Weekly Update for Week Ending 3.29.19

3 min readApr 1, 2019


What’s up Substratum Network! Dropping you a weekly update video today for the week ending March 29th 2019.

SubstratumNode v0.4.3 Available

We are pleased to announce that SubstratumNode v.0.4.3 is available for public download and use from This is a major step forward with the functionality to be able to connect to the fully decentralized Substratum Network right from within the User Interface. Previously using the GUI you could only route traffic in a zero-hop configuration while command line users could connect to the fully decentralized Substratum Network. With this release you can connect to a network simply by entering the Node Descriptor of the neighborhood you wish to join. We hope you download the product and test it out and let us know what you think! If you have any issues jump into the Substratum Telegram channel and someone will help you.

Development Updates

For the week ending March 29th below is a summary of development progress.

As it has been from day 1 we have two strategic goals for our initial MVP release.

1. Make the Internet Free & Fair.

2. Earn Cryptocurrency. Change the World.

Our Current Tactical Milestones which are in progress are:

  • Monetization Design, Grooming & WIP
  • Usability & Hardening
  • Routing & Node Intelligence
  • Terminal Intelligence

Let’s review the development team’s progress for week ending March 29th:

  1. This week the team completed a feature that enables a Node that provides exit services to notify the originating Node of the request when it is unable to resolve an address so in future routes the Node is avoided.
  2. The team also knocked out a couple of research spikes for the blockchain component implementation. They are wrapping up one more research spike before making some final V1 architectural decisions.
  3. The team performed some tech debt and also was able to deliver the copy Node Descriptor functionality.
  4. There were some post-release regression items discovered that the team is working on this week to produce a more stable v0.4.4 release. The release will be available soon.

All these improvements are in GitHub for review and use.

MVP Release Schedule

As we look towards node completion we are able to predict when the MVP release will be completed, secure, and available for the public. Since beginning development we have completed 359 cards towards SubstratumNode MVP and currently our known scope is 419 cards to release the MVP. We then add an uncertainty buffer to double our known scope and can base a time estimate vector of 13 weeks using that 2x multiplier. This gives us a safe estimate of when we believe the first production version of SubstratumNode which will allow users to safely and securely use the network while earning cryptocurrency for supporting the network.

That’s it for this week. Make sure you check back for next week’s video update so you can stay informed as we put the final pieces together on this product that has the capability to change the way the world connects and communicates.

Thank you for supporting the Substratum network, make sure you download the new release from and begin supporting the network as we bring you the free and fair internet of tomorrow through the power of the decentralized web.




An open-source network that allows anyone to rent their computer as a hosting server. Earn cryptocurrency. Change the world.