5 Abnormal cultures — That’ll make you go crazy

Sufyan Khan
6 min readSep 2, 2022


Photo by cienpies on istockphotos

We live on a planet where a number of religions, rituals, states, and countries exist having their very own thinking and thoughts. Along with that, there are several traditions and cultures that will force you to say, ‘’Why the heck are they doing these things?’’

(If someone follows one of these cultures, I’m sorry for saying that)

If there’s a discussion going on the topic of ‘’different cultures and traditions across the world’’. The argument would simply surround nearby topics as people praising their gods, dancing, or wearing their traditional clothes to take part in their legacy.

Well, every tribe, country, or state has its own traditions of celebrating the deaths of their ancestors and the births of newborns. Let’s say, some burn their dead fellows and some of them bury the corpse of their loved ones. Which seems totally fine and normal, But on the other hand there are some rituals and cultures which may sound a bit weird, umm… Actually more than just weird. There are some traditions that look very heart-touching. Just by looking at it, we can really connect to them, while on the other side, there are some human societies that follow different kinds of cultures which can sometimes shatter the soul of humanity.

Let’s have a look at these weird cultures.

  1. Living with Dead
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In Indonesia, there lives a community known as the ‘’Trojan tribe’’. These people have one of the scariest and creepiest cultures in the world which they are performing for more than 1000 years.

In Indonesia, the Trojan people wrap the dead bodies of their loved ones in some kind of particular clothes and keep them safe in their houses for months. They don’t wrap them for putting in a corner, but instead, they treat them as a living member of the family. The family members of the dead bring them food to eat, and the body is cleaned daily with water and formaldehyde plus groomed every day. They also inject formalin into the corpse of the person. Formalin is a preservative that prevents the body from being decomposed.

When the death funeral is fulfilled successfully, the body is not buried, rather it is kept in a coffin and placed in a cave. On the other side, when a child dies, he or she is hung by a cliff with a thick rope until the rope breaks and the coffin falls to the ground. Trojan people believe that this ritual guarantees good fortune for the dead. The family of the deceased even poses with the corpse for the latest family photo.

After every year in the month of August, the families of deceased corpses return to the cave for changing the clothes of the dead bodies. This strange culture is known as ‘’The cleanliness of the bodies’’.

2. Kidnapping the girl

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Have you ever got puzzled in a situation where you love a girl but she doesn’t love you back? Well, no worries! Just kidnap her. But only when you are living in Kyrgyzstan. Yes, it’s legal there, you can kidnap your girl even if she doesn’t want you back. This kidnapping of girls is legit in Kyrgyzstan. Kidnapping and marriage by force have been followed in a huge number across the world throughout history. In most countries, forced marriage is quoted as a rape crime and an illegal form of marriage, but not in Kyrgyzstan. This ritual in Kyrgyzstan is followed as:

A man with the help of his friends kidnaps the woman he likes and asks for marriage permission from her parents. Men are not allowed to keep the girl under their observation as a hostage for more than 4–5 days. This strange ritual in their culture forces the girl to accept the love of her kidnapper, But if she refuses the proposal, she would not be reached for marriage again.

Women were asked related to this in a survey, 14% of women answered that they were kidnapped at the time, and they agreed to the proposal later because they knew the man who kidnapped them.

3. Death and the cutting of fingers

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When a person dies, it usually gives us a serious form of emotional pain, But this doesn’t go the same in Indonesia. When a body decomposes, it not only gives emotional pain to women but physical pain too. Women from this tribe of Indonesia express their sorrows in the form of cutting a part of their fingers. It is done to satisfy the spirit of their ancestors. Before cutting them, the fingers are tied up with a string to make them soft and numb. After cutting a part of the finger, the amputated part is burnt to stop the bleeding.

But why only women? Maybe because it’s a rule of their tribe or idk. Other than that, This tradition is still followed by the Dani tribe in Indonesia.

4. Ban on using washroom for a newly-wed couple

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Ok, Umm, what should I say, and from where should I start? This lame tradition is followed by a tribe named the ‘’Tidong tribe’’ from the border of Malaysia and Indonesia. According to this them, the newly married couple is not allowed to use the washroom for the first three days after the wedding. Yes, you read right, the newlywed couple is strictly prohibited from using the toilet and shower. The tribes believe that if they used the washroom in the first three days, it will bring sadness, bad fortune, and infertility in their married life. But if they obey the tradition and did not use the washroom for the first 3 days, the result will be in the form of a blissful life.

Relax! The families of the bride and groom ensure that they are consuming less liquid. I’m wondering, what if any of the partners had digestion problems? XD

5. Neck rings culture

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One of the most weirdest and unusual cultures around the world is wearing rings around the neck. Thailand’s Karen tribe follows this tradition for a long period of time. When a girl is born, 2–3 years later the elders of the tribe make her wear the rings around her neck. They believe that the longer the neck, the more elegant and beautiful she is.

In Thailand, it is not uncommon to see women wearing ornate neck rings. These beautiful pieces of jewelry are often made of gold and decorated with gems and pearls. They are worn as a sign of status and wealth and are also thought to be lucky charms. Neck rings have been a part of Thai culture for centuries, and were once only worn by royalty and the very wealthy. Today, however, they are available to anyone who wants to wear them.

There are many different styles of neck rings available, so you can choose the one that suits your taste. If you plan on wearing one, make sure you take the time to find a reputable jeweler who can help you choose the right piece. A neck ring is a great way to show off your Thai heritage. Whether you choose to wear one for fashion or luck, you will surely enjoy the attention it will bring.

However, In my point of view, this so said fashion should be banned, they are just harming women nothing else.



Sufyan Khan

Here you'll find my thoughts and imagination, written not with ink, but with the essence of my soul.