No sugar no problem

2 min readFeb 6, 2017


By Mich

I only started to struggle with reducing my sugar intake once I started caring about it a few years ago. I’ve always had a fondness for chocolate but it was only when I started trying to limit my chocolate consumption that I knew I had a kind of addiction.

In 2015 I decided to go cold turkey for Lent. I did my research and concluded that I would avoid all sugars, even those in fruits. I would even avoid sweeteners. The problem came when it was my birthday and I wanted nothing more than to give way to my one weakness: a slice of rich, moist, layered chocolate cake. I google searched until I could find a restaurant that served sugar free dessert. This took quite some time but I eventually found one, though it was also a veggie restaurant. It was a great little place but when it came to the dessert I realised that it wasn’t sugar free at all but packed full of agave nectar. I felt like such a cheat! But it also highlighted to me how the term ‘sugar free’ was extremely confusing.

A teary farewell to Nutella for Lent 2015

In the year 2017 it’s quite a lot easier to find treats. There’s so much out there — chocolate, ice cream icing sugar, all kinds of delicious fruit and nut bars, etc. that are sugar free or low(er) in sugar. Weirdly, I can’t wait to take on Sugarwise Feb. The biggest challenge will be Sugarwise baking — but if my bakes flop I know I’ll always have a cheeky treat faithfully waiting for me at the office.

Recipes coming soon :)




Thoughts about sugar reduction, food, and general life