Buy premium coffee with Bosch Coins and more — Report from the Bosch IoT-a-Thon

3 min readJun 5, 2018


While Venezuelans are going crazy attesting their e-mail adresses and identities, they manage to do more than 3,000 attestations per day at the moment, we shift our attention to Germany for the moment. In Stuttgart there was a really nice event organized by developers for developers to strengthen the developers community within the Bosch Group.

The goal was set to improve networking between the participants from different Bosch entities & creating new partnership opportunities with external partners. So they decided to hold a Hackathon from 22–24th of May with a scope on connection and enhancement of Bosch products with new technologies like distributed ledger.

Pimp my Connectory!

On top of that they wanted to increase the visibility of Bosch IoT solutions for visitors of the Stuttgart Connectory. It just opened in April 2018 so it’s still pretty new. It’s basically a co-innovation space that focuses on three main activities: partners and co-creation, educational experience, and corporate projects. This particular Connectory has a focus on (surprise, surprise) IoT.

Looks like a coffee is just 0.5 Bosch Coin :)

Three teams used Byteball in their projects. Here are the descriptions from the teams themselves:

Coffee paid by Bosch Coins — We want to sell some kind of premium coffee at the Connectory in Stuttgart. The coffee should be freshly brewed in a Bosch coffee machine which can accept Bosch Coins as a payment via the Bosch Coins Wallet. Bosch Coins is a cryptocurrency, which is implemented as an asset on the Byteball Network.

In particular, the coffee machine runs a light Byteball node on a Raspberry Pi.

So, that’s a lot of coffees ;)

Haithabu — The gamification approach to negotiations. What is at the core of every business and every trade? Easy: Negotiations with your business partners! Not so easy: Becoming experienced in negotiations is a key competence, however is also exhausting. The department CP/PSG3 (Advanced Awarding and Negotiations Applying Game Theory) have conceptualized a gamification approach that makes negotiation-training easy and a fun experience.

DLT Smart Contracts Automated by Bosch Transport Data Logger Data — Bosch Transport Data Loggers aren’t just for track and trace applications, they can provide actionable data to automate and secure the procurement process. Using Bosch’s new cellular connected TDL 140, we will simulate the purchase and shipment of a carton of eggs, automatically executing DLT smart contracts when the asset enters geo-fenced areas or when control limits are exceeded. The end result will be either a safely delivered carton of eggs, or an automatic return and full refund!

Byteball Founder and Lead Developer Tony Churyumoff (middle) in Stuttgart

Byteball’s founder and lead developer attended the event and this is what he had to say about it:

“I was there and helped the guys learn how to use chatbots, payments, smart contracts, etc. on the Byteball platform. It was a pleasure working with them!

Another outcome of this event is that I had to (finally) write developer docs about smart contracts on Byteball.”

If you’re interested in those you can find them here.

Real world applications, it’s what we love the most. It’s awesome to see the platform being used in actual products and experimented with by lots of different developers.

With Byteball being almost feature complete our focus is on getting the word out about Byteball and striving for actual adoption, both in Venezuela as well as Germany. Expect to hear more stories like this one soon.

