How To Stop Making Excuses & Create A Life You Love (Chapter 2 #EscapeTheCubicle) Part 2

Sukhi Jutla
3 min readJun 8, 2017


Today’s post is an excerpt from my upcoming book Escape the Cubicle: Quite The Job You Hate’. Create A Life You Love.

This excerpt is taken from Chapter 2. Here is the second part of the chapter. You can read the first part of Chapter 2 in the previous post here.

#escapethecubicle, how to write a book, authors, entrepreneurs, self-publishing, how to self-publish, ebooks, writing, books, book marketing, books & authors, marketing,

Be sure to check out the sample of the 1st chapter here. Like it? Then subscribe here to get the FULL 1st chapter when you sign up to my mailing list here.

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Chapter 2. Ready to Claim Your Life?

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”
— Jim Rohn

No excuses — let’s do it!

This book shows you that you can live the life of your dreams.

I went through a period of intense depression where I was confronted with some of the most challenging years of my life to date. I didn’t think I could be one of those people who could enjoy their life.

Everywhere I looked I saw limitations. I felt it was too late to retrain in another career path. I felt I had missed out on opportunities that would not come back again.

I felt I had wasted years of my life doing things that didn’t bring me any joy. Worst still, I believed I had no passions or unique talents.

But I was hiding behind excuses. If you want to change the trajectory of your life, you can do it. It just requires a healthy dose of courage and confidence.

You will need to venture out of your comfort zone to explore, discover and make mistakes. You will get lost and possibly feel even more confused.

Not all attempts of exploration will be successful, but some of the attempts will be. And when you find it, it will be worth it because you would have created the life you want.

Believe and know that you can live the life of your dreams. Whether that means quitting the 9–5 corporate grind, being a stay-at-home mum, running your own business, or taking a year off to travel.

Even if you don’t have any experience, whatever it is, I can show you through this book how to courageously claim your purpose and live it today.

This book is designed to be a practical guide to help you make those changes, which may seem scary at first. I will show you how to wake up to your life, create it and own it, dispelling common myths that may hold you back.

I’m going to show you how to do this, no matter where you are in your life. Whether you are just out of college, or you have a mortgage with five kids, it’s never too late to wake up and say ‘I don’t want my life to be like this anymore’.

You always have a choice. All you need to do is make a decision that you will no longer tolerate the life you have passively created and instead, commit to designing the new life you want actively.

And this means embarking on your personal quest of exploration and discovery.

***End of Chapter 2 excerpt from Escape The Cubicle: Quite The Job You Hate. Create A Life You Love***

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Be sure to check out the sample of the 1st chapter here. Like it? Then subscribe here to get the FULL 1st chapter when you sign up to my mailing list here.

#escapethecubicle, how to write a book, authors, entrepreneurs, self-publishing, how to self-publish, ebooks, writing, books, book marketing, books & authors, marketing, write a book, indie authors, writers, author entrepreneur, authorpreneur

Originally published at The Author Entrepreneurs.

