Giving Tuesday: My Philanthropic Loves

Life on Purpose: Summer Sanders
5 min readNov 28, 2017


Today is Giving Tuesday, and I thought it would be the perfect day to take a moment to explain why I am so passionate about the organizations with whom I am philanthropically aligned. Giving back in whatever manner you can, with time or resources, is such a valuable thing. If you’re looking for a way to give back, here are a few organizations that are near and dear to my heart.

I was first introduced to what is now Right To Play when I had just missed the Olympic Team in 1996. It was March and although I was far from devastated (I will save that story for another time), I longed for a greater purpose. I knew it had to be more than just a one-time appearance. I wanted to get my “hands dirty” and really be a part of significant positive change. That is when Johann Koss called and asked if I would join him in Rwanda — in 1996 not long after the genocide — and I didn’t hesitate. I said, “YES” immediately. That trip and more importantly, the kids I met there, changed my life forever. I will never forget this amazing young girl and her big beautiful brown eyes piercing me with a look of determination during our running relay. She was a double leg amputee and that didn’t stop her for one second. She was fast and she was so happy to be playing! I held onto her smile and awesome resiliency and, as they say, the rest is history. I have been an ambassador for Right To Play for over 20 years and am still inspired by the children in our programs. I have always felt a HUGE obligation to be their voice. Through sport and play we are rebuilding communities, creating leaders, resolving conflict, and inspiring production. I have been back in the field two other times and am inspired to bring my family at some point soon because there are so many ways sport for development changes lives. Right to Play is now part of the Facebook-Gates Foundation Giving Tuesday Matching Campaign. Today all RIGHT TO PLAY USA Facebook gifts will be matched… until the $2M campaign total runs out! Please join me in making a difference in the lives of children everywhere!

My first true love was the sport of swimming. Although I cried every second of my first lessons, deep down I loved it. Just yesterday I said to my family, “I have to get in the water.” So we went for a family swim and life was just a little bit better! I am forever grateful that I learned how to swim at such young age, but many kids and adults do not. The USA Swimming Foundation is trying to change that. Our goal is to teach every kid in the US how to swim. Young or older, it doesn’t matter — swimming isn’t just a fun, recreational activity or a competitive sport — it’s a life saving skill everyone should have. So if you have benefited from the positive impact of the sport of swimming, think of donating to the foundation. What better reason than Giving Tuesday to give back to the sport we love so much.

Let me just say that I love former First Lady Michelle Obama. I was very honored to be a part of her delegation to the opening ceremonies at the London Olympic Games. It was a thrill to introduce her at the huge Let’s Move event in Regents Park (Right To Play was there too). And she really became one of my people when she was cool with my kids running and tackle-hugging her onto a couch. Adorable! So when I was asked to be a part of Partnership For a Healthier America, it was an immediate YES! Not only because of her involvement, but because of of the PHA mission. The fact is that I live what they preach, and preach it to my family and friends every day! Feed your body the fuel to make it work for you all day, every day. I was just at an event for them in DC with Jordin Sparks (apparently she was pregnant and I didn’t know it), and the organizations that were receiving awards/grants are doing amazing work. Please take a look at the incredible ways to make a difference in your community by visiting

As a cancer survivor, I know how vital research is for treatment and cure. There are so many outlets for giving when it comes to finding a cure. The progress of research and testing is desperately needed because it works! We know so much more now than we did 10 years ago, last year, last month or last week. Be a part of that change and find the organization that fits your needs. Below are just a few that have been a part of mine.

In the end, find a cause that means something to you. Donate when you can — no matter the amount — every little bit helps. And if you don’t have the financial means, donate your time. Organizations are always open. You can be part of the change you want to see if you get involved. So whether it’s today, on Giving Tuesday, or any day throughout the year, take action and give back.



Life on Purpose: Summer Sanders

Wife, Mom, Olympian, Swimmer, Social Runner, Television Host & Author who used to slime people and hang with NBA players. Living life imperfectly, with purpose.