SunContract: Deploying First P2P Energy market by 2018

Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017
CEO of SunContract in a company of Startups

We are the new current in town. Or in town of “Peer to Peer energy market” anyway. Our project, SunContract, is now about a year old and since we witnessed an extremely successful token sale on August 1st where we raised 2 mlm, our goal now is to introduce the first Peer to Peer energy market in the first quarter of 2018.

We are not a big corporation and such an undertaking is no small feat for a team like ours, so we intend to share our hardships (and successes!) with you regularly here, as well as on our blog and Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

London story

There are currently some rough seas in the crypto world. We witnessed three hard forks and we expect another to follow soon. We are proud (and a bit relieved) that in this turmoil our SNC token remained stable.

The fact that we are engaged in a world-redefining project proved true yet again during our most recent visit to “Energy Systems Catapult Whole Energy Systems Study: “System Transition to Digital Energy” conference organized by London Business School. Event was initiated by our regular advisor and leading expert in the field of digital transition of the energy sector dr. Jesus Nieto Martin.

SunContract team journeyed to London and had a chance to engage in discussion with several key players in the EU energy sector. We also had fervent talks with representatives of ENTSO-e that represents 42 most important TSOs in Europe, we discussed with people of UK Power Networks and National Grid of United Kingdom. Ofgem presented their idea of Sandbox for innovative energy concepts. We discussed a similar idea with Slovenian government and we hope that these two ideas will soon be merged for a great benefit of everyone involved.

We have also met others who are breaking the ground in fields of energy and blockchain: IBM and GridSingularity representatives with their projects.

Important business agreement

We agreed on signing a contract with the SolarPower Europe association. This is big announcement for SunContract project!

The signing of SolarPower Europe association agreement is what we are especially happy about. SolarPower Europe is about shaping the regulatory environment and enhancing business opportunities for solar power in Europe. As their member, SunContract will be ahead when it comes to green energies.

This means crucial market advantage and a bunch of new opened doors for us.

However, it is this December that we are really looking toward to. At that time, our CEO Gregor Novak will present our project to the public during the Digital Solar & Storage conference in Munich. SolarPower Europe is, along with IBESA, organizer of event.

We hope to see you there and have a talk. Until then, we’ll keep you posted with current developments.

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Rok from SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.