SunContract Energy Producers Increasing their Earning Power

Customer Use Case

3 min readJul 3, 2019


SunContract platform energy producer — Jernej, at his solar power plant

At SunContract, we strive to leave a lasting impression on our clients. From our team, to energy advisors and technical support, to electricians and installers, we all aim to provide superior customer service to our clients — residential, commercial and industrial.

Don’t just take our word for it, here you can read one of our customer’s experience on the platform:

A few months ago, a prospective customer — Jernej — reached out inquiring about becoming a solar power producer on the SunContract platform. We arranged a free consultation with Jernej to provide him the certainty that we were a good fit for his energy selling needs. Once we calculated a quote for Jernej for the year 2019, and he gladly decided to join our energy marketplace, he entered into a contract with SunContract for the agreed basic contract price of 52 EUR/MWh.

Since he installed his solar power plant a few years ago when the installation cost was much higher than it is today, Jernej is stil receiving a subsidy from the government amounting to 231.44 EUR/MWh. Besides his subsidy, Jernej is also selling electricity on the SunContract Energy Marketplace.

With individual P2P agreements he has made on the SunContract platform as well as market activity, Jernej has managed to raise his selling price to an average price of 62.44 EUR/MWh within the first 4 months of joining the platform. This is 19% higher than if he did not have the flexibility offered by SunContract’s P2P energy marketplace — for direct agreements with energy consumers.

A myriad of possibilities with SunContract

You see, Jernej’s story doesn’t end here… That he was able to sell his energy at a 19% higher price than the initially agreed-upon base price.

Producers on the SunContract platform have the option to select the currency that they receive payment in. They can opt for EUR or SNC tokens. If they opt to receive payment in SNC, they can then decide whether to sell them immediately after receiving payment, or wait for the price of SNC to go up so that they can increase their earning power even more.

Jernej, eager to see how much more he could make, decided to hold his SNC tokens that he had received by selling electricity on the platform, and in so doing he assumed the exchange rate risk. But with reasonable management and due to the growth effect of the platform users on the value of SunContract’s SNC token, the actual value of his surplus electricity sales doubled.

For the same quantity produced, Jernej managed to sell his SNCs at right time and overall received for electricity 115 EUR/MWh!

The SunContract energy marketplace gives its producers more flexibility on the platform, more options.

“I must say that at first I was a bit skeptical about switching to SunContract. Sometimes there can be a lot of stigma around new technologies. But I got a very favourable impression from my experience on the energy marketplace. There are so many options for users on the platform, and one can really increase their income with this kind of system. The least I can do is recommend SunContract to energy customer I know, which is basically everyone!” said Jernej when asked to share his thoughts on the SunContract platform.

Start supporting green energy, local communities and disrupting technologies. Register on the SunContract platform, chat with the team and community members on Telegram where we are always active. Our great supporters are also following us on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. More information on SNC token here:




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.