Drupal Development Services: 5 Things You Should Not Overlook

3 min readSep 9, 2017


Companies offering Drupal Development services hold your hand right from the nurturing stage of your website and do all it takes to build a successful website. For instance, experts help in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that creates a visibility for your website. Drupal experts can also help in enhancing the usefulness of your existing store by adding modules as per requisites.

Customized websites pertaining to the needs of your organisation can be built. These websites are equipped with the relevant call-to-action so that you not only build a powerful online presence for your business but also climb one step higher in the ladder that leads to boosted conversion rates.

The use of Drupal for developing your site can serve to add considerable value to your business. However, while developing your website, the following areas should be focused upon as they can greatly hamper with smooth functioning and good user experience:

1. Website Backup Plan- At times, developers are in a haste and ignore the importance of Website backup plan. However, doing this could be unimaginably risky in situations like site crash, hack, code manipulation or data loss. All the core and non-core files should be taken proper backup of. Drupal’s Backup and Migration Module can be your saviour in this regard.

2. Search Option- Users generally do not have the time to go through all your services and wish to be directly led to the service they are seeking. For facilitating this in a hassle free manner, special emphasis should be laid on ‘Search option’. Search can typically be conducted in four ways:

i. And Search — Gets results matching to multiple words that have more or less the same meaning

ii. OR Search- Yields results pertaining to one of the few items

iii. Advanced Search- Finds most relevant information eliminating what the user doesn’t want (as is common in Google search)

3. Spam Control- Securing your website against e-threats cannot be ignored at any cost! It prevents any unsolicited communication. Popular search engines like Google and Bing penalize websites that do not have proper spam control function as a result of which they can’t rank better.

4. SEO Consideration Right from the Onset: Instead of wasting time in including fields for SEO at a later stage, the back-end user interface should be integrated with fields like keywords, meta description, social media integration (for users).

5. Ascertaining the correct Drupal version- Checking the minimum system requirements is crucial if you don’t want to end up with a number of development issues. Emphasis should be placed on installing proper themes and modules as the contrary is not only destructive to the ongoing functions but also to the upgradation process in future.

Professionals at SunTec OSS are equipped with years of experience and expertise in offering Drupal Development Services. For more information about our eCommerce Development Services or for availing a free trial, feel free to write to us at info@suntecoss.com




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