2 min readJun 14, 2016

What is new in CakePHP3 and why should you choose it for your website?

CakePHP is open source framework based on PHP. It’s standard structure for creation of web applications. It is being widely used by diverse industry verticals across the globe. Using CakePHP highly customized and feature rich websites can be developed for types of business requirements. If you wish to get a cake PHP website developed for your business. It is advised that you take professional help from experts who have years of experience in delivering quality CakePHP development services.

Cake PHP offers a host of features which includes:

  • Active community
  • Flexible licensing policies
  • Compatible with PHP
  • Integrated CRUD for database interaction
  • Code generation
  • MVC architecture
  • Request dispatcher with clean, custom URLs and routes
  • Validation is built in
  • Flexible and Quick templating
  • Flexible ACL
  • Data Sanitization
  • Flexible Caching

What is new in CakePHP3?

New Object Relational Mapping (OMR)

CakePHP3 is based on a powerful and flexible ORM.

Major highlights of the new ORM include:

  • Datamapper pattern has been used
  • Support has been provided for diverse eager loading strategies
  • Better query building with a seamless interface.
  • Built in support for data post-processing including a full featured collections library.
  • Composite primary keys are supported

Quick and flexible Routing: With additional optimization CakePHP3’s routing performance does not decrease with the increase in number of routes. With routing scopes being used, it is now quicker to parse and dispatch routes.

Better migration: CakePHP3 uses a powerful migration plug-in that allows easy creation and deployment application migration.

Standalone libraries: CakePHP earlier came along with numerous libraries, which has now been split into standalone libraries. These libraries can be used in other applications.


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