GPRC Summit 2023, Dubai

Sunita J. Marshal
2 min readJan 26, 2023

Discussions on the state and evolution of governance, risk, and compliance in the future digital economy of the UAE took place at the GPRC Summit 2023 in Dubai, which was organized by Ejtemaat Events and hosted by Corporater, a global software company offering integrated governance, performance, risk, and compliance (GPRC) solutions.

The summit, which covered the topic “GPRC: The Future of Effective Enterprise Management for Government and Business Organizations,” gave insights as the largest gathering in the world on governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) integrated with performance and strategy.

The event featured roundtable conversations, panel discussions, and presentations on the trends affecting the worldwide GRC market, which is predicted to grow to USD 134.86 billion by 2030.

In order to address the technologies, insights, and important trends influencing the future of enterprise management, the summit brought together GRC specialists, CEOs, executives, and key decision-makers from diverse industries.

In his introductory remarks, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Al Kuwaiti, Head of Cybersecurity, UAE Government, stated that “a successful cybersecurity strategy is fundamentally predicated on an effective governance, risk, and compliance framework." He emphasized that in order to meet cybersecurity goals and create a secure working environment, organizations must first construct a GRC framework.

He emphasized the importance of innovation in governance systems and claimed there is a direct connection between cybersecurity and GRC. Noting that good governance involves keeping track of all asset control systems, including hardware, software, and supporting infrastructure technologies, and recognizing dangers to the nation or organization, Because of this, the council is creating cybersecurity rules, practices, training, and instructional materials that apply to industrial control systems as well as best practices for tech-integrated incident response protocols.

Dr. Al Kuwaiti stressed the necessity for international collaboration in addressing it and noted that the rising number of cyber-attacks necessitates the constant development of new regulations and legislation to keep cybersecurity needs current with the swift advancements in cyber threats.

At the summit, world-renowned GRC and strategy experts and C-level executives shared the latest trends in corporate governance, GRC-related challenges, and solutions that enable organizations to improve performance and better align their priorities with business objectives.



Sunita J. Marshal

Freelance Political writer, global affairs and geo-political matters!