The National Emergency: 9 Tips for Staying Safe

Sunjeev Bery
2 min readFeb 16, 2019
Via Common Dreams (

The National Emergency is here. But Trump’s courageous declaration has left many of us unsure of how to prepare.

Is this like a hurricane? A tornado? Or even worse: a sharknado? Only our brave president truly knows.

Here’s how to stay safe:

  1. Update your friends and family on Facebook.

2. Check to see if your loved ones are okay.

This Facebook link will let you know who in your social network has already declared themselves safe. Knowing is half the battle.

3. Stay hydrated.

Make sure you have enough water on hand, or other beverages that contain water.

4. Stock up on mixers.

In times of crisis, I find that an ample supply of club soda, tonic, organic vermouth, and other additives can help prolong my beverage supply.

5. Pay attention to shifting winds.

In any emergency, the weather can shift dramatically.

I recommend staying indoors until Ann Coulter’s politics stabilize. Today, she hates Trump. Yesterday, she published a book worshiping him. To be extra safe, also avoid going outside during Tucker Carlson’s mood swings.

