Circuit Breaker Mechanism: Safeguarding Users on ApolloX with Price Discrepancy Checks

3 min readMay 28, 2023



Derivatives trading platforms face the challenge of ensuring accurate and reliable price feeds to protect users from potential risks. ApolloX, a decentralized derivatives trading platform, has implemented a circuit breaker mechanism that compares price feeds from Binance Oracle and Chainlink. This mechanism acts as a safeguard, triggering a circuit breaker if the price discrepancy between the two sources exceeds a predefined threshold. In this article, we will explore the circuit breaker mechanism on ApolloX and its role in protecting users from potential trading risks.

Maintaining Consistency and Reliability:

The circuit breaker mechanism on ApolloX plays a crucial role in maintaining consistency and reliability in price feeds. By comparing the price data from Binance Oracle and Chainlink, the platform ensures that users are presented with accurate and trustworthy information for making trading decisions. Any significant discrepancy between the two price feeds can indicate potential risks, prompting the circuit breaker to be triggered.

Mitigating Trading Risks:

Price discrepancies in derivatives trading can introduce various risks for traders, including incorrect valuations, front-running, and erroneous liquidations. The circuit breaker mechanism on ApolloX acts as a protective measure against these risks. When the price discrepancy between Binance Oracle and Chainlink exceeds a predetermined threshold, the circuit breaker is triggered, temporarily disabling transactions. This ensures that users are not exposed to trading risks based on unreliable or manipulated prices.

Preserving User Confidence:

The implementation of the circuit breaker mechanism on ApolloX is designed to preserve user confidence and trust in the trading platform. By actively monitoring and addressing price discrepancies, ApolloX demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a fair and transparent trading environment. Users can have peace of mind knowing that the platform is taking proactive measures to protect their interests and mitigate potential trading risks.

Real-Time Monitoring and Risk Prevention:

The circuit breaker mechanism operates in real-time, constantly monitoring the price feeds from Binance Oracle and Chainlink. This dynamic monitoring enables swift identification of price discrepancies, minimizing the window of exposure to potential risks. By promptly triggering the circuit breaker, ApolloX prevents users from executing transactions based on unreliable prices, thus reducing the likelihood of losses resulting from inaccurate valuations.

Enhancing Platform Integrity:

The circuit breaker mechanism aligns with ApolloX’s commitment to platform integrity and user protection. By integrating the price discrepancy checks, the platform ensures that users are not adversely affected by inconsistent or manipulated price feeds. This proactive approach enhances market stability and fosters a trustworthy trading environment, promoting user confidence and attracting a vibrant community of traders.


The circuit breaker mechanism on ApolloX acts as a critical safeguard, protecting users from potential trading risks associated with price discrepancies. By comparing price feeds from Binance Oracle and Chainlink, the platform ensures the accuracy and reliability of the provided information. The triggering of the circuit breaker when the price discrepancy exceeds a predefined threshold helps mitigate risks and preserves user confidence. ApolloX’s commitment to real-time monitoring and risk prevention demonstrates its dedication to maintaining platform integrity and providing a secure trading environment for its users.

