What’s the Decentralized Blockchain Network & Its Perks Made The Super Vet To Have Its Own Super Crypto Chain?

Super Vet
4 min readFeb 24, 2022


Super Vet is a vet-themed game where the vets with extraordinary superpowers rescue innocent animals in times of trouble and need. This GameFi is built on BSC technology following a native token $SVET of BEP-20 standard. There are 10 super vet characters with their respective rescuing tools and equipment and each of them has different super abilities to help innocent souls. Super Vet will have its own blockchain, Super Crypto Chain for a great ecosystem building for its community.

What’s Blockchain?

As it’s obvious from the name, it’s a tangible toy chain made up of blocks. Just kidding! A blockchain is an efficient, unhackable, trusted, unchangeable, secure, and extremely decentralized system in the form of a chain of blocks to record information. Or you can say it’s a digital ledger of recording transactions. And this is duplicated and distributed across the entire peer-to-peer networking of computer systems used by users like the user to user on the blockchain.

As there are blocks, the transactional data or information stored inside a block depends on the type of blockchain. For example, the information of the sender, receiver, and the number of Altcoins or Bitcoins to be transferred are stored in Altcoin or Bitcoin blocks respectively.

The data stored in the blockchain is in the form of hash functions with timestamps so that it can’t be changed, hacked, edited, or even destroyed. That’s actually the goal of having a blockchain for being secure and allows digital information to be recorded and distributed by means of copies of the data in all users’ hands. Thus, a blockchain is a foundation for immutable ledgers (records of transactions) that ensures the overall database remains safe even if some users are cheated or hacked.

What’s Decentralization?

Now, you may be curious about decentralization. Suppose, you own a restaurant and it has some franchise chains. Now, each franchise is responsible for its own operations because of the lower levels’ decision-making. Now, these franchise chains, if one of them got corrupted; the whole network of chains of your restaurant won’t get disturbed as all these franchises follow the same set of principles.

That’s what makes Super Vet have its own beneficial blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized structure that creates trust between different entities by improving security and privacy, individual control of data, visible, traceable, and immutable with reduced costs and high speed.

Public Blockchain

Among the types of blockchain, Super Vet chooses the public. The game is built on BSC which is a smart contract-enabled public blockchain network to create a great DeFi ecosystem. With the public blockchain, there are no restrictions on new participants as it’s free for anyone to join and participate in the core activities of the blockchain network. It’s completely decentralized that’s why it’s permissionless in nature and no single authority can alone control how the state of the blockchain evolves. Although, it’s primarily used for exchanging and mining cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Super Crypto Chain

With all these semantic features of a public blockchain, Super Vet is planning to launch its own blockchain network, which would be named “Super Crypto Chain.” On it, you’ll enjoy the full version of the Super Vet game with the feasibility of the latest features and marketing trends.

The new platform will have a swapping dashboard to allow users to swap their $SVET tokens, initially based on the BSC with the $SCRY tokens of Super Crypto Chain, which are core in-game currency to purchase the in-game purchasable assets to rescue the animals like super vets characters, rescuing tools, and medical equipment.

This would be the ultimate version of the game where you can swap or exchange the two tokens with each other based on their fiat-backed money. You can also utilize these tokens to purchase NFTs in the form of characters, tools, and equipment. Also, you can trade both $SVET and $SCRY tokens in the NFT marketplace to get fruitful benefits.

About Super Vet

Super Vet being the first-ever coolest rescuing animals 3D NFT based GameFi, is built on the BSC technology.

In this P2E game, there are 10 super vets that rescue animals in their respective missions possessing different specialties and equipment, in the Super Vet World. Players can earn exciting rewards worth $SVET native tokens. A player can utilize these BEP-20 standard tokens as in-game currency to purchase the purchasable in-game assets like rescuing equipment and characters in their NFT marketplace to enjoy the fruitful utilities of the tokens and the NFTs like trading & staking them.

The Super Vet combines the worlds of NFT, DeFi, GameFi, players, artists, NFT enthusiasts, veterinarians, and developers, all in one ecosystem to enjoy and function as one community and make them Play to Earn the epic game. In the future, the game will be expanded to the Metaverse as well.

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Super Vet

Rescue2Earn 3D NFT rescue animals game. | Own, Rescue, & Earn | $SVET Role-playing game (RPG).