Superz Sticker: Soulbound Tokens for Proof of Contribution

3 min readNov 17, 2023


Superz Sticker is a non-transferable SBT (Soulbound Token) meant to track the contributions of users who take part in Superz Onchain Action Tests on BSC network.


We intend to introduce SBTs to Superz, which are conceptually comparable to Proof of Walk(PoW) in Basic mode. PoW was deployed in May with the goal of simplifying users’ complex on-chain experiences in order to become a true Web3.0 healthcare data app. Users can save in-app activity data on the Klaytn network in the form of tokens in Basic Mode without directly signing transactions. Our team learned a lot while running PoW for roughly 6 months, which led us to the next phase of decentralized operation with Superz Sticker, that enables users to store and use their activity data on the blockchain.

Superz Sticker

Superz Sticker, a new function similar to PoW, will be integrated into Superz content. However, Superz Sticker differs from PoW in terms of issuance and process. In contrast to PoW, users must connect their wallets, sign, and pay gas fees in order to obtain Superz Stickers. Users can select whether or not to obtain Superz Stickers by completing simple daily missions on Superz. They sign and pay gas fees on the BSC network via the Superwalk wallet (KAS) or MetaMask if they desire to receive the sticker.

Because acquiring the sticker entails signing and paying gas expenses, it is entirely up to the user. However, because Superz Sticker activity has an impact on Superz’s progress after its official release, testing during the beta version, including features like Superz Sticker, is necessary. After the beta version ends, we intend to honor the collectors and contributors who have contributed to the improvement and development of Superz.

As new features are added to Superz content, various stickers connected to these features will be presented. This allows users to participate in more engaging sticker collecting while also providing a variety of criteria for measuring contributions. Opportunities to earn stickers will also grow as a result of Superz-related community activities. Various stickers for users who participate in events and activities will also be added.

Stickers are classified into several sorts based on the missions completed, and each type of sticker has a different score. This shows the variety and uniqueness of stickers gained by users, which improves the precision of contribution measurement. When it comes to getting rewards, the ranking based on user wallet scores will be critical. Superz NFTs will be the main kind of reward, with further details to be revealed in the future. Additionally, a dashboard will be offered later for users to verify and manage their Superz Sticker status. Users should exercise caution because scores gained through illicit methods may not be recognized in the final tally. More information on this subject will be included in the future Superz Sticker Guide, which will be released next week.


PoW and Superz Sticker will be constantly improved in order to faithfully fulfill their functions as prototypes. While leveraging data from these tokens may be difficult in the near future, there is significant potential for insights and opportunities when combining such token data with various endeavors. Furthermore, clearly and consistently recording the contributions of devoted users on the blockchain via PoW and Superz Sticker might be useful to the community and third-party products. The potential of blockchain technology and Web3.0 is enormous, and the SuperWalk team will continue to think about and aim to be a valued service and community.

Thank you very much.

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