Superz Update Preview

4 min readMar 22, 2024



This is the SuperWalk Team.

We’re sharing a preview of the upcoming Superz update.


The Star represents the quality of a Superz.

It starts at 0-star, with a maximum of 6-star.

You can upgrade to the next Star level using Candy or Star Fragments.


HP is the health of a Superz.

After being fully raised, a Superz holds HP.

The maximum HP of a Superz is determined by its Star level.

Superz cannot typically recover spent HP, but upgrading to the next Star will restore all HP.

ex) When a 1-star Superz with 0 HP upgrades to 2 stars, its HP is restored to 200.

Star Fragments

Use Star Fragments to upgrade the quality of a Superz.

Star Fragments can be obtained from Superz with all HP spent, or through events.

  • A 1-star Superz with all HP spent → Acquires 1-star Star Fragment
  • A 0-star Superz cannot obtain Star Fragments when all HP is spent;
    0-star Star Fragments can be acquired through events.

Superz Cheering Squad

Placing Superz in the Cheering Squad provides effects that help with pro-mode exercises.

The Cheering Squad Effect is a combination of Superz Effect + Combination Effect, applied for a certain duration of Cheering time.

Cheering Squad Effect

Superz Effect

This is the sum of effects from individual Superz placed in the Cheering Squad. The type of effect is determined by the Superz’s type, and the magnitude of the effect is determined by the Superz’s star level.

ex) When composed of [1-star Bunny, 1-star Bunny], Superz Effect is Performance +20.

When composed of [0-star Lucy, 1-star Marimo, 2-star Bunny], Superz Effect is Luck +5, Comfort +10, Performance +20.

Type Effect Type Bunny Performance Marimo Comfort Lucy Luck Star 0-start 1-star 2-start 3-start 4-star 5-star 6-star Effect +5 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 ?

Combination Effect

This effect occurs depending on the combination of Superz placed in the Cheering Squad.

If the stars of the Superz in the Cheering Squad vary, the combination effect is determined by the lowest star level among them.

Example: When composed of [3-star Bunny, 3-star Bunny, 2-star Bunny, 1-star Bunny], Combination Effect is an Energy Boost of 10%.

When composed of [2-star Marimo, 2-star Marimo, 2-star Marimo, 2-star Marimo], Combination Effect is a Max Points Increase of +200.

*More effects based on various Superz combinations will be added in the future.

Examples of Cheering Squad Effect

When composed of [1-star Bunny, 2-star Bunny, 3-star Bunny, 4-star Bunny], Cheering Squad Effect is Performance +100, Energy Boost 10%.

When composed of [2-star Bunny, 1-star Marimo, 1-star Lucy, 2-star Lucy], Cheering Squad Effect is Performance +20, Comfort +10, Luck +30.

Cheering Time

The duration of the Cheering Squad Effect, known as cheering time, is calculated based on the total HP of the Superz placed in the Cheering Squad.

After the Cheering Squad is deployed and cheering begins, all Superz’s HP is depleted to 0.

Slot Opening

To place Superz in the Cheering Squad, the squad’s slots must be opened.

There are a total of 4 slots within the Cheering Squad.

Slots can be opened using either GRND or Candy.

Star Center

The Star Center is a mystical space that assists with the Superz’s Star upgrades and the creation of Star Fragments.

Superz can be upgraded to the next Star level using Candy or Star Fragment.

Superz will be transformed into Star Fragments particularly those Superz whose HP has been depleted.

Details of the Star Center will be revealed in line with the update schedule.

Content updates will proceed in the following order:

  • Cheering Squad + HP System
  • Star Center + Star System

Thank you.

From the SuperWalk Team.

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