Super Racer
15 min readApr 1, 2022
Super Racer Litepaper

It’s the year 2024, and you are on your way to The Rec Room — a local arcade loaded with the latest VR games. With your Super Racer NFTs stored safely in your mobile wallet, you are anxious and excited. It’s the Super Race Championship finals tonight, and you are one of the drivers who made it to the season's finale.

It’s been a long season, full of ups and downs, seemingly endless test driving of new engine platforms and configurations, and even a full chassis swap on your DeLor 500, but it all led to tonight. You have a peculiar feeling of destiny calling. There is a lot on the line — money, fame, glory, and a chance to do something positive for the world you live in. You’ve been thinking about and visualizing this moment throughout the season, using it to fuel your passion for winning.

The Rec Room will be one of many places featuring the Super Racer VR Sims. VR Arcades like The Rec Room will grow like mushrooms after the rain, as we usher in the new era of VR arcades.

You finally get to The Rec Room, and the place is buzzing with spectators, TV personalities, and even some local celebrities. Several of your best friends are already there and greet you upon your arrival. Some of the more hardcore fans know who you are, and even though you are an introvert and shy away from the spotlight, there is a universal connection to everything around you like it’s all a part of you. Your real name is …, well, it doesn’t matter because everyone knows you by your SR tag — Mind_Ctrl.

An example of what the SR VR Sim might look like. Though we have not yet started prototyping the game in VR or the actual Sim, the VR future is part of our vision and roadmap.

You make your way through the crowd to grab a quick drink at the bar and head for the SR VR Sim. The race starts in 10 minutes! You get in, scan your SR NFTs and put on the VR headset, immediately drowning out the noise around you as your mind becomes single-pointed and clear, focused on this final race. Just one more race and victory is yours~


Super Racer is a premiere racing league in the Metaverse being developed by a boutique video games studio — Little Guy Games, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with over 12 years of video games development experience.

Super Racer will also feature a comprehensive roster of different animal characters with RPG-like customization options.
Key Features of Super Racer● Multiplayer racing game built on the Solana blockchain● Will start off with only 555 unique and customizable NFT vehicles making the collection very scarce and its floor price inevitably raising● Built for gamers and non-gamers - those who are willing to race themselves, and those who would prefer to enjoy a more passive experience● Features deep strategic depth with its tokenomics and interactive design

Initial Mint

The genesis mint of Super Racer took place on April 7, 2022. 273 vehicles were minted. The next mint is scheduled for June 30. An additional 282 vehicles will be minted. There are no other mints currently planned thereafter, thus the 555 car collection will be complete and the initial set with which the Super Racer will be played.

Our Roadmap


We are currently working on staking and the release of our $VROOM token. We hope to have this work completed by the end of June, 2022. SR holders will then be able to stake their cars.

A work-in-progress staking dashboard mockup


We are also working on the racing gameplay loop. We hope to have this work completed by the end of June, 2022, as well.

Step 1 — Racers will be able to stake their cars to generate $VROOM. Each staked car will generate 1 $VROOM per day, though later on generation bonuses will be given for rarity. Initially, we will keep things very simple. Damaged cars will still generate $VROOM, albeit at a lower rate.

Step 2 — Every Saturday, players will be able to enter their race cars into a qualifying race. Each qualifying race will feature 8 cars randomly drawn from the entire list of entrants.

Qualifying race submission dashboard mockup.

Top 2 cars from each qualifying race will qualify for the finals on Sunday.

Qualifying results table mockup.

On Sunday, players will be able to enter each car that has qualified for the finals into the finals races, also having the same choices of AI profiles. The finals races, like the qualifying races will be simulated inside our Unity game engine and top three winners from the each FINAL Super Race will be declared based on the race results from our game. Prizes will be distributed amongst the top three winners each Sunday. Prizes will range from high-valued NFTs to our $ERTH DAO governance token, and more!

In addition, a Seasons Leaderboard will be kept tracked for every season. Each season will feature 23 races. There will be two full seasons that will play out each calendar year. Thus, two Super Race Champions will be selected each calendar year.

The winner of each Super Race season will be crowned the Super Race Champion, and will receive the following:

  • 1 Super high-valued NFT reward
  • $ERTH (DAO governance token)
  • 1/1 NFT Super Racer Championship Trophee 🏆
  • His/her name will be forever immortalized in the game itself which will always keep evolving, growing, and getting better

Every player participating in the finals on Sunday will also win $SR tokens from races which together with $VROOM token will be our in-game currency. While $VROOM will not be tradable/purchasable in the game, the $SR token will be a tradable token and will hold real value and be convertible to SOL.

Step 3 — After every race, there is a possibility of your car becoming damaged, as simulated by our game (races will be taking place inside the Super Racer game). Damaged cars can be repaired in the Garage, which will cost $VROOM/$SR. The amount of $VROOM cost will be proportional to the damage.

Damaged cars can still be staked, but they will generate less $VROOM, and the degradation in their $VROOM generation rate will be proportional to the damage. Furthermore, damaged cars can still be entered into qualifying and final races, but their performance will also be degraded.

The interactive garage will launch some time in Q3 of 2022 after staking and racing.

Why the passive gameplay loop?

The passive gameplay loop is necessary due to the time and interest constraints of many crypto enthusiasts, NFT collectors, and players that have a busy life and don’t have the time, energy, and dedication to race in real-time. Thus, the above-described model caters to both demographics: NFT investors/collectors and hardcore gamers.

Fusion — After we implement the staking and racing features, we will start implementing Fusion. The way Fusion will work is as follows:

  • Take 2 cars of the same type (e.g. Scorpio)
  • Fuse them together into a single car — which will contain the more rare parts of each car
  • Fusion will take 2 NFTs and turn them into a better single NFT (which will be rarer than either of the two used)
  • If one of the cars has every part that is rarer than the other, fusion will not happen, as there is nothing to fuse.

What about real-time racing?

The real-time racing game on PC will be made available in the future after the baseline features are complete. Real-time racing will be available as one of the choices that players can eventually choose instead of the AI driver profile:

  • Basic AI
  • Advanced AI
  • Pro AI
  • Player controlled
Whether you are playing the game using AI or taking control of your car inside the game yourself, Super Racer will be fun for everybody and anyone will be capable of claiming the Super Race Championship title.

Player controlled choice will have 0 $VROOM cost and will allow players to race their own NFT cars in-game (first on PC and later in VR) against the other opponents (both human and AI). This feature will constitute the final delivery period in our roadmap, as it is the most time-consuming and costly to develop. The delivery of this feature will be announced at a later point, after the delivery of staking, AI racing, garage, and fusion features.

The Game

Super Racer is an action-packed, multiplayer racing game with a perfect balance of realistic driving simulation and over-the-top arcade action. It will be easy to pick up, but very difficult to master, making it a great candidate for a successful Esport title.

Super Racer starting lineup in-game render. Initially holders will be able to submit their cars for qualifying and races, and select different AI driving profiles. Eventually, holders will have the option of driving their own cars.

Furthermore, Super Racer is more than just amazing cars. The game will also feature awesome characters who are the drivers, and players will choose both their character and car for every race.

Our characters will add additional RPG elements to the game — a feature that is unique among the racing genre.

The tracks in SR will be visually tantalizing and designed to be varied, with different weather conditions, times of day, and awesome locations. For example, a night track will be much more difficult to see in, and navigate. Certain cars, like the Freelander may have an advantage in night driving, with its powerful lighting and upgrade options. Thus strategic choices will need to be made depending on which race the holder chooses to participate in.

In addition, each car will have its own, unique driving characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, special abilities, and upgrade options. Similar features will apply to the characters. Mastering one type of car will not directly translate into being able to master a different car, as cars will vary significantly in the way they drive and behave on the track. This type of strategy will increase the difficulty curve and help ensure that SR has great retention and longevity amongst the competitive holders, which will grow significantly over time.

Aerials will be a very important part of the game and tracks will feature major aerial jump ramps. Lots of time and attention will be given to how the cars behave in the air.

In the future, the SR Metaverse will also feature pieces of tracks that will be available for sale, advertising billboards, as well as towns. Super Racer is more than just a racing game. It is a start of an awesome franchise with amazing characters, rich story, fantastic cars, and a beautiful racing metaverse that we will create with the help of our community.

The Characters

Eventually Super Racer will also launch character NFTs for the game, though there are no exact plans of when this will happen, as our primary focus at this time is to deliver an exiting and fun, full gameplay loop to our community. All of our game’s assets including cars and characters are being developed in 3D with beautiful 360 degrees renders provided as the mintable NFTs.

Ryder is currently the fully developed character in the game, including the model, textures, and some animations. Other characters are currently in development.

The Team

The team behind Super Racer is Little Guy Games Inc. (, an indie game development studio with its headquarters in Toronto, Canada. Our company has been established in 2009 and we worked on several notable games, including The Last Sky — a PC adventure game, Home Run Derby VR — a Major League Baseball (MLB) VR game, and Little Bandits — a mobile RPG game.

In addition to these games, we worked on many other high-profile video game projects for clients such as Konami, 5th Cell, Iron Galaxy, Capcom, and Twisted Pixels.

Home Run Derby VR is a AAA VR game developed by LGG in partnership with Major League Baseball (MLB).

Our team comprises of more than 20 full-time and part-time employees and contractors. Our core development team has been working together for the past several years. We do all of our work using the Unity game engine. Our team members are game development savvy and posses in-depth technical knowledge of Unity, since we’ve been working with this engine for almost a decade now. Furthermore, we are a quality oriented studio and our work speaks for itself. We continuously push the envelope of our expertise and demand the absolute best from ourselves, and the interactive entertainment products that we create.

The Last Sky is a PC puzzle-adventure game developed by Little Guy Games (LGG).

The Cars

SR will feature an ever-expanding roster of amazing vehicles inspired by humanity’s accomplishments in automobile creations from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, the 2000s, all the way to present-day and beyond!

Both gas-powered and electric vehicles will be featured in the game. Even motorcycles may make an appearance!

The Desert Racer GT

The latest vehicle from Ape In Industries — a company known for its innovation, attention to detail and relentless pursuit to one-up the competition.

Desert Racer GT is currently the fastest car on the SR circuit, capable of a top speed of 322 km/h. It’s incredibly responsive with a lot of torque, albeit tricky to drive with all the power concentrated in the rear wheels.

Currently the fastest car on the SR circuit.
Engines: Supercharged 6.2-litre V8 (650 HP) |
Twin-turbocharged 4-litre V8 (500 HP) |
6-litre V12 (630 HP)
Top Speed: 322 km/h | 200 mphDrivetrain: Rear-wheel driveStrengths: Very fast with great acceleration, outstanding balance, good aerial maneuverability, excellent handlingWeaknesses: It can be challenging to control with so much power in the rear wheels, reliability is still an issue with some engine models, no titanium-reinforced chassis available in aftermarket upgradesSpecial Abilities: Lockdown

The Desert Racer RR

After developing the Desert Racer GT, Ape In Industry was approached by a major crypto whale, a shark named Johnny. Johnny wanted to become a driver on the SR circuit but claimed that he needed a car that was just as fast as the Desert Racer GT but possessed supreme aerial maneuverability. The owner of Ape In, Gus Small (can you guess what animal he will be?), took it upon himself to spearhead the challenge, and two years later, The Desert Racer RR was born. There will only be ten super rare Desert Racer RRs in the genesis 555 collection🤞

The rear wings were added by Ape-In-Inudries’ famous car designer Santos. The car also features an experimental flight controller module. No, it can’t fly, but it’s pretty dang close.
Engines: Supercharged 6.2-litre V8 (650 HP) |
Twin-turbocharged 4-litre V8 (500 HP) |
6-litre V12 (630 HP)
Top Speed: 322 km/h | 200 mphDrivetrain: Rear-wheel driveStrengths: Very fast with great acceleration, outstanding balance, supreme aerial maneuverability, supreme handlingWeaknesses: Many of the weaknesses of the DR GT model have been overcome in this modelSpecial Abilities: Eagle Flight

The DeLor 500

The DeLor is the RabbiTechnologies flagship model and is currently the best-selling car on the SR circuit. Developed by a rabbit named Araki, the DeLor 500 has been produced for more than a decade. Over time its manufacturing has improved a great deal, and engine reliability issues have been worked out. There are also a ton of aftermarket parts available for the DeLor due to its popularity and status.

One of the most balanced and beloved cars on the SR circuit — the DeLor 500.
Engines: 2.85-litre V6 PRV (200 HP) |
3.0-litre V6 SER (220 HP) |
5.0-litre V8 (320 HP)
Top Speed: 280 km/h | 174 mphDrivetrain: Rear-wheel driveStrengths: well balanced, excellent handling and stability on track, solid chassis with titanium upgrades available, highly reliable, quantum jump drive unlocks several racing advantagesWeaknesses: not the fastest acceleration and top speed on base models, rear-wheel drive can be challenging to control at times, relatively heavy car due to the quantum jump driveSpecial Abilities: Quantum Leap

Scorpio AWD

Light and nimble, the Scorpio AWD is a great beginner car. Its AWD system is best-in-class and gives this car supreme handling on the track.

In addition, the makers of the Scorpio AWD have signed a multi-year deal with KSX — one of the leading aftermarket parts manufacturers, to provide parts exclusively for the Scorpio.

Scorpio AWD features a best-in-class all-wheel-drive system that gives the car supreme handling on the track.
Engines: 2.4-litre inline 4 (160 HP) |
2.4-litre inline 4 turbo (220 HP) |
2.8-litre V6 LS (230 HP) |
there are rumours of a new engine being worked on by KSX
Top Speed: 240 km/h | 150 mphDrivetrain: All-wheel driveStrengths: light with excellent handling and stability on track due to its best-in-class all-wheel-drive system, solid chassis design with amazing on track and aerial balanceWeaknesses: relatively slow acceleration and low top speed, susceptible to damage due to its small sizeSpecial Abilities: Gecko Rush

The Freelander

This vehicle ranks amongst the biggest and most powerful cars on the SR circuit. It was designed by an Orca inventor named Pamela Greer in 2380. Pamela believed that the circuit needed a truck. After all, trucks played a significant role for the now-extinct humans. Pamela’s rationale was that the Freelander could outmuscle the competition with its massive engine, supremely strong chassis, and a new powertrain developed in partnership with RabiTechnologies. History would prove Pamela right.

Freelander quickly became a fan favourite on the SR circuit, and it continues to dominate to this day.

One of the biggest, strongest, and most powerful cars on the circuit.
Engines: 14.8-litre inline 6 (500 HP) |
12.8-litre inline 6 turbo (600 HP) |
16-litre V12 XR (800 HP)
Top Speed: 200 km/h | 125 mphDrivetrain: Rear-wheel driveStrengths: amazing power to climb inclines, great stability due to a solid and heavy chassis, very powerful car able to take a lot of on track punishment and dish out even moreWeaknesses: not the greatest aerial maneuverability, slow acceleration, very heavy and sluggish at timesSpecial Abilities: Immortality

Super Racer

Super Racer was the original SR juggernaut. Before Ape-In-Industries’ development of the DR GT and the DR RR, it was RabiTechnologies’ Super Racer that was the fastest car on the circuit.

Many drivers still prefer the Super Racer to the newer and sleeker Desert Racer GT due to its extensive use of superchargers and a ton of torque, which proves advantageous on certain tracks. The Super Racer has been involved in some of the most heated races in SR history, and its fans are always eager to see it take on its competitors.

Super Racer is currently the 2nd fastest car on the SR circuit and many drivers’ and fans’ favourite.
Engines: Supercharged 5.8-litre V8 (580 HP) |
Supercharged 4-litre V8 (450 HP) |
Supercharged 6-litre V12 (600 HP)
Top Speed: 300 km/h | 186 mphDrivetrain: Rear-wheel driveStrengths: Very fast with great acceleration, lots of torque, solid chassis able to take hits, great handling, good aerial maneuverabilityWeaknesses: Can be difficult to control with so much power in the rear wheels, utilizes slightly older and less reliable technology, although the chassis is solid, it can still be susceptible to body roll especially on sharp turnsSpecial Abilities: Devil Trigger

Leviathan 4x4

The Leviathan 4x4 is a unique cross-over vehicle specially designed for unpaved tracks like the Canyon. It’s built with an assortment of different V8 engines and a solid 4x4 drive system, making it the perfect choice for off-road driving.

With its aggressive looks and powerful engine, the Leviathan 4x4 is sure to turn heads when it hits the track. Thanks to Ogre Enterprises — the manufacturer of the Leviathan, this car is sure to be a hit with off-road enthusiasts around the SR circuit.

Leviathan 4x4 is an off-road specialist.
Engines: Supercharged 4.8-litre V8 (440 HP) |
5.0-litre XR V8 (480 HP) |
6-litre V8 (520 HP)
Top Speed: 290 km/h | 180 mphDrivetrain: 4x4Strengths: Pretty fast with great off-roading capabilities, great balance and handling supplied by the 4x4 drivetrain, ok aerial performanceWeaknesses: Heavy, some body roll on sharp turns, 4x4 system does not perform well on twisty, paved roads with a lot of GsSpecial Abilities: Hadouken

Please note that the above car specifications and details are subject to change as we develop the video game and balance the vehicles for competitive multiplayer racing.

The Future

Super Racer is a multifactorial interactive IP built around the Solana blockchain technology. Our team is dedicated to making this the most exciting and engaging racing league in the Metaverse. SR will be the premier racing experience in the Metaverse.

In addition to the aforementioned features, we are working on several amazing initiatives that will be revealed in the coming weeks and months. We will also leverage our longstanding relationships in the gaming industry to bring you the best in class gaming content and ensure that the SR brand will experience solid growth and success over the coming years!

This is just the beginning of our journey together and we are delighted to have you be a part of it. Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to show you what else we have in store!

Join us!
