The Superposition Testnet Is Live!

Superposition - (🖤,🤍)
4 min readJun 24, 2024


Gmeow, the wait is finally over! The first phase of the Superposition Testnet is now live and ready for everyone to try out. We can’t wait to see what you’ll build with it!

What is Superposition?

Superposition is the first Blockchain that pays you to use it. Built by Fluidity Labs, it includes a novel on-chain order book focused on steering order flow, with faster execution speeds, shared and permissionless liquidity, Account Abstraction, and zero fees while providing higher yields to Liquidity Providers and traders alike.

It is the first DeFi-native Layer-3 on top of Arbitrum One, leveraging the Arbitrum Orbit tech stack and Stylus to offer the cheapest and fastest DeFi experience available. The first Dapp on the Superposition Chain is Longtail, the cheapest AMM on Arbitrum and the first AMM that pays you to use it. It is a V3 AMM that follows the concentrated liquidity model introduced by Uniswap, and the first AMM built with Arbitrum Stylus.

Every pool on the Longtail AMM is paired against a Super Asset, allowing for a native Utility Mining integration from the start. Think of it as native yield that is vested through Utility, every transaction on Longtail is incentivised. Traders and LPs alike will receive higher yields for trading and making markets on Longtail.

How to use Superposition

In order to start using Superposition, you first need to add the network to your wallet. You can also find these tutorials in our docs.

To add the Superposition Testnet to your Wallet, head to the this tutorial from Metamask and add the following network details:

If you’ve done this, you are now connected to the Superposition Testnet!

To receive Superposition (SPN) gas tokens, head to the faucet at and request SPN tokens. The amount is limited to 1 SPN per request with a cooldown of every 5 hours. $FLY stakers receive 5 SPN tokens from the faucet.

After receiving your tokens, you can now bridge them to the Superposition Chain from Arbitrum Sepolia. For this, you need to head to, click on “Deposit” and select your token and the amount you want to bridge. Bridging from Sepolia to Superposition takes approximately 10 minutes. If you want to bridge tokens back to Sepolia, you can click on “Withdraw”.

With your tokens at hand, you can now interact with Dapps on the Superposition Chain! The first Dapp built on Superposition is Longtail. Head to to start earning for swapping and staking your assets! Remember, Superposition is the first blockchain that pays you to use it. You will receive yield for everything you do.

We have an Intract campaign running this week where you’ll also be able to earn points for completing tasks on Longtail. More Dapps will be added to the Testnet as we move further along.

Build on Superposition

If you’ve made it this far, we have some extra tasks for the Giga 🧠’s! You can create your own token, launch your own contract, mint an NFT or even create your own Dapp. We are constantly on the lookout for more protocols wanting to build on Superposition.

If you or your protocol want to build on Superposition, feel free to reach out to us at We are setting up the Superposition Foundation with a grants program and a lot of other resources to help builders launch on Superposition.

What’s next?

In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be releasing more Dapps and more things to do on the Superposition Testnet. There will be more campaigns alongside these new releases as we head into the Superposition Mainnet Launch later this year.

This is just the beginning, and if you’re reading this you are still early. Stay tuned!

How can I participate?



Superposition - (🖤,🤍)

Superposition: DeFi Layer-3 infra. Create permissionless AMMs & derivatives, backed by strong governance & AA. More than a DEX; shaping the future DeFi.