15+ Best Timeline Templates

1 min readDec 6, 2017


Intuitive, easy-to-follow, powerful — these are three of the most important characteristics that make successful presentations stand out from the 35 million PowerPoint presentations given every day. Here, at Konsus, we specialize in offering our clients quality presentations, either from scratch or starting from the client’s vision and building from there.

One of the most used PowerPoint templates and one that can give a presentation all of the attributes mentioned above, if used efficiently, is the PowerPoint timeline template.

What is a timeline?

A timeline is a visual representation of information or events displayed in chronological order.

Here is a segment of a PowerPoint timeline depicting a part of a company’s history and its major milestones between 1987 and 2017.

When and why are timelines used?

Read the full article here: 15+ Best Timeline Templates | Download For Free




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