Silhouette Coefficient Explained with a Practical Example: Assessing Cluster Fit”

A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating Clustering Quality and Performance

Suraj Yadav
3 min readJun 14, 2023
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash


In the field of data analysis and machine learning, clustering plays a crucial role in identifying patterns and grouping similar data points together. While there are several clustering algorithms available, evaluating the quality of clustering results is equally important. One popular method for measuring the quality of clusters is the silhouette coefficient. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of the silhouette coefficient and provide a step-by-step guide on how to calculate it.

What is the Silhouette Coefficient?

The silhouette coefficient is a metric that measures how well each data point fits into its assigned cluster. It combines information about both the cohesion (how close a data point is to other points in its own cluster) and the separation (how far a data point is from points in other clusters) of the data point.

The coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, where a value close to 1 indicates a well-clustered data point, a value close to 0 suggests overlapping clusters, and a value close to -1 indicates a misclassified data point.

A higher silhouette score indicates that the data points are well-clustered, with clear separation between clusters and tight cohesion within each cluster. Conversely, a lower silhouette score suggests that the clustering may be less accurate, with overlapping clusters or points that are not well-assigned to their respective clusters.

Calculating the Silhouette Coefficient: Step-by-Step

  1. For each data point, calculate two values:

— Average distance to all other data points within the same cluster (cohesion).

— Average distance to all data points in the nearest neighboring cluster (separation).

2. Compute the silhouette coefficient for each data point using the formula:

silhouette coefficient = (separation — cohesion) / max(separation, cohesion)

3. Calculate the average silhouette coefficient across all data points to obtain the overall silhouette score for the clustering result.


To illustrate the calculation of the silhouette coefficient, let’s consider a scenario with 3 clusters, where each cluster has 3 (2-dimensional points).

Cluster 1:

Point A1: (2, 5)
Point A2: (3, 4)
Point A3: (4, 6)

Cluster 2:

Point B1: (8, 3)
Point B2: (9, 2)
Point B3: (10, 5)

Cluster 3:

Point C1: (6, 10)
Point C2: (7, 8)
Point C3: (8, 9)

Let’s calculate the silhouette coefficient for Point A1

Step 1: Calculate Cohesion for Point A1

  • Distance from Point A1 to Point A2: sqrt((2–3)² + (5–4)²) = sqrt(2)
  • Distance from Point A1 to Point A3: sqrt((2–4)² + (5–6)²) = sqrt(5)
  • Average cohesion for Point A1 = (sqrt(2) + sqrt(5)) / 2 ≈ 1.825

Step 2: Calculate Separation for Point A1

  • Distance from Point A1 to Point C1: sqrt((2–6)² + (5–10)²) = sqrt(26)
  • Distance from Point A1 to Point C2: sqrt((2–7)² + (5–8)²) = sqrt(18)
  • Distance from Point A1 to Point C3: sqrt((2–8)² + (5–9)²) = sqrt(32)
  • Average separation for Point A1 = (sqrt(26) + sqrt(18) + sqrt(32)) / 3 ≈ 5.333

Step 3: Calculate Silhouette Coefficient for Point A1

  • silhouette coefficient = (separation — cohesion) / max(separation, cohesion)
  • silhouette coefficient = (5.333–1.825) / max(5.333, 1.825) ≈ 0.657

Step 4: Average Silhouette Coefficient

Calculate the average silhouette coefficient across all data points to obtain the overall silhouette score for the clustering result.


The silhouette coefficient provides a quantitative measure to evaluate the quality of clustering results. By considering both the cohesion and separation of data points, it offers insights into the effectiveness of the clustering algorithm and the distinctness of the clusters. Understanding how to calculate the silhouette coefficient allows data analysts and machine learning practitioners to assess the validity of clustering outcomes and make informed decisions based on the results.

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