Cryptocurrency API Update

Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2018


We’ve been working diligently to build our first consolidated cryptocurrency exchange API for the Lightning Network.

We wanted to provide a quick update on where things are to date. We are doing this iteratively. We are very close to having streaming tickers data available.

Here is an example of opening a lightning request for “tickers” channel. You open a standard lightning node connection with Suredbits API :

{“message”:”Welcome to the SuredBits Exchange API!”,”ln_uri”:””,”version”:0,”openChannels”:”tickers”}

“event”: “subscribe”,
“channel”: “tickers”,
“symbol”: “BTCUSD”,
“exchange”: “bitfinex”,
“duration”: 21000,
“refundInvoice”: “lnbcrt1pdec3u6pp5u2mf5ee9k0ht20x7jd98cfgv7ulyq4h6tgxu6eulv55x3yf6vyjqdq82fz5v4gxqrrsszseffx85jnukzwv70mc69dru07207zuucrfc5djta3gnfaxfyvf54z96kgprtlurm0qk9lcdampepsvj333yqu0y4fq5tsv3m3u7qnqpgxs29u”,
“uuid”: “00112233–4455–6677–8899-aabbccddeeff”

Here is the lightning invoice being sent and received:



And the data for BTCUSD being delivered:


To watch it play out, check out this quick walkthrough:

For some additional reading on this topic:

We would love to hear from you. Feel free to connect with us on Twitter @Suredbits or join our Suredbits Slack community.

