Welcoming Natalie Fleming to Susa Ventures

Susa Ventures
Susa Ventures
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2018

We’re delighted to welcome Natalie Fleming to Susa Ventures. She is starting today as Chief of Staff, heading up all things related to operations, community, and portfolio development. Most importantly, she will be working closely with our entire team to continue to support the Susa Family, which is what we call our growing community of dreamers and builders.


When we started Susa, we set out to create a place where everyone, including founders, investors, friends and our team, could depend on each other for support, growth and development — much like a family. Over the past four years, the Susa Family has become a force of nature, but we have so much further to go. Natalie is the perfect person to lead this charge as Susa enters our next phase of growth.

Natalie is joining Susa Ventures from Juicero, where she led business development and investor relations. Prior to Juicero, she spent time as the Director of Partnerships for Hampton Creek, where she managed relationships with the largest retailers in the country. She got her start at Ecoscraps, an organic soil company. Through these experiences, she experienced the highs and lows of building startups — from the excitement of an exit, to the thrill of explosive growth, and even the hardship of a shutdown — enabling her to empathize with founders, entrepreneurs, and operators. We’re thrilled to have her bring that experience to bear for the Susa Family.

Above all, we are excited that Natalie exemplifies all of the core values of our ‘family-centric’ mentality. She is hard-working, ethical, collaborative, and mission-driven. We’re excited about the huge impact she is going to have and look forward to seeing her grow into one of the best community-builders in the industry.

Please join us in welcoming Natalie to Susa Ventures. Feel free to say hello at natalie.fleming@susaventures.com.

Welcome, Natalie F.!

Chad, Natalie D., Leo, and Seth



Susa Ventures
Susa Ventures

Susa Ventures is an early stage venture capital firm, investing in a growing family of dreamers and builders.