Did John Kerry Go Behind Trump’s Back and Negotiate with Abbas?

3 min readJan 25, 2018


There has been talk recently of a “secret society” that may have been put in place by the FBI and DOJ to undermine President Donald Trump’s administration. But are there “groups” or even an “individual” working against Trump that is not so secret?

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said after reviewing text messages between Peter Strzok, a top FBI agent and his alleged mistress Lisa Page, a top FBI attorney, that he believes there may have been a “‘secret society” of folks” within the DOJ and FBI working against Trump.

That’s daunting to hear and the American public certainly deserves answers.

But are the FBI and DOJ the only members of the “secret society”?

Could there be others working against Trump who are no longer working in “secret”?

An argument could be made that it sure seems that way following the latest report from “The Jerusalem Post.”

According to The Jerusalem Post, former Secretary of State John Kerry who served in the Obama administration, recently met with a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in London.

The alleged meeting between Hussein Agha and Kerry was confirmed by a senior PA official.

Reminiscent of the meeting between former President Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, when Obama could be heard on a hot mic saying that Vladimir Putin should give him more “space” and that he would have “more flexibility after my election,” it appears that Kerry may be following in Obama’s footsteps.

According to a report, Kerry told Agha to convey a message to Abbas.

That message supposedly was for Abbas to “hold on and be strong”.

Kerry said, “Tell him, that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President (Donald) Trump’s demands.”

Kerry continued, “Trump will not remain in office for a long time.”

It was reported that Kerry said that within a year there was a good chance that Trump would not be in the White House.

Really? Why would he make such a statement?

Surely his reference is not to a coup, impeachment or something more sinister?

Allegedly, Kerry went on to offer his help to the Palestinians when it comes to the Middle East peace process and suggested that Abbas create his own peace plan.

Kerry said, “Maybe it is time for the Palestinians to define their peace principles and present a positive plan.”

Kerry apparently also told Agha that Abbas should not verbally attack the U.S. or the Trump administration. Rather Kerry said that he should focus on attacking Trump personally and believed that Trump was directly responsible for the lack of a peace agreement.

The report also said that Kerry offered to assist in creating an “alternative peace initiative and promised to help garner international support from Europeans, Arab states and the international community.”

Is Kerry still on Obama’s payroll or someone else’s?

It seems unlikely that Kerry would be taking steps on his own to thwart the efforts of Trump by making outlandish statements and offering suggestions to Abbas on the Palestinians’ path to “peace” in the Middle East.

In addition, the report indicated that Kerry used “highly derogatory” terms when referencing Trump and suggested that many in the “American establishment” and “American intelligence” are dissatisfied with Trump’s performance as President.

If Kerry made the statement, was his reference about the “American establishment” and “American intelligence” part of the “secret society” that Ratcliffe mentioned?

Perhaps it’s time for an investigation by the DOJ or the appointment of a special counsel to look into exactly what took place during the London meeting and whether any laws were violated in the process.




Former TheBlaze Contributor, Stand For Truth Radio Host, former practicing attorney, psychotherapist http://susanknowles.com susan@http://t.co/FMF2ck4Awr