Did the ‘Swamp’ Just Fill Up Again with David Bowdich Replacing McCabe?

3 min readJan 30, 2018


I have been saying for awhile now that the Deep State is a bottomless pit.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s sudden departure on Monday and subsequent replacement by David Bowdich, may have proven my point.

Early reports on Monday indicated that FBI Director Christopher Wray went to Capitol Hill over the weekend to read the classified “four page memo,” initially brought to the public’s attention by House Intel Committee co-chair Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

Since then, many on social media have been using the hashtag “#ReleaseTheMemo” as rumors continue to be spread that the memo contains “extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse under the Obama administration.”

Additionally, it has been learned that McCabe’s resignation is the beginning of more to come, according to National Security Correspondent Sara Carter.

But just when you think that the “swamp” may have drained just a little, in comes another potential “swamp member” to take McCabe’s place.

The new Acting Deputy Director of the FBI who has replaced Andrew McCabe is David Bowdich.

Is he part of the “swamp?”

Bowdich who joined the FBI in 1995, has been in his position as Associate Deputy Director, since April 2016.

His experience, which began in southern California, includes investigating violent crimes and gangs, being a special agent in charge of a Counterterrorism division and serving as a SWAT Team operator and sniper.

He was also involved with the investigation of the 2015 San Bernardino terrorist attack that took the lives of 14 people and seriously injured 22 others.

Impressive, right? Yes, but there’s more.

Bowdich served his time as associate deputy director under former FBI Director James Comey.

Comey testified last June before the Senate Intelligence Committee and said that he had spoken to senior colleagues, including Bowdich, about his conversation with President Donald Trump when Trump allegedly asked Comey to instruct the FBI to end the investigation of Michael Flynn.

Trump has vehemently denied asking Comey during their February 14 meeting to back-off of an FBI probe against Flynn.

Since Comey spoke to Bowdich about the conversation, Bowdich may now be called by special counsel, long-time friend of Comey and conflict-ridden Robert Mueller, to testify as a witness against Trump regarding obstruction of justice charges pertaining to Comey’s firing.

Apparently, McCabe informed Bowdich and others in August of last year, that they may be called to testify by Mueller regarding “all things Russia” (my words, not McCabe’s)

The stage is already set for Bowdich to testify in front of the Judiciary Committee, even if Mueller doesn’t call him.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, sent a letter dated June 9, 2017 to Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, requesting that an investigation of ‘obstruction of justice’ claims be investigated by the committee.

In the letter, Feinstein mentioned Bowdich and several others who Comey identified as individuals he spoke to concerning his conversation with Trump.

It has also been discovered that Bowdich was involved in discussions with Comey regarding the “tarmac meeting” between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton when the FBI was actively investigating Hillary Clinton and her email server.

Just how “actively” she was being investigated is a subject for another article.

In any event, while the Department of Justice, headed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, oversees the FBI and presumably has the final say as to whether Bowdich will be promoted to a permanent position rather than an acting role, it is more likely that Wray will be the ultimate arbiter in the decision regarding Bowdich’s future with the FBI.

Just how deep Bowdich’s involvement is within the ‘swamp’ remains to be seen.




Former TheBlaze Contributor, Stand For Truth Radio Host, former practicing attorney, psychotherapist http://susanknowles.com susan@http://t.co/FMF2ck4Awr