‘Tidal Wave’ of Central American Migrants Coming to U.S., GOP Silent

3 min readApr 2, 2018

There is a tidal wave about to hit the United States but it has nothing to do with water.

Instead, the Obama-era immigration policy is at work and about to admit an estimated 1,200 immigrants from Central America on their way to the U.S. via Mexico to take advantage of our current immigration laws, specifically “catch and release.”

President Donald Trump unloaded his frustrations on Twitter early Easter morning with what he sees as a major problem for America.

Trump tweeted:

Trump called for the GOP Congress to implement the “nuclear option” in order to pass tougher legislation against laws like catch and release.

Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council spoke with Fox News and reported that a government agency of Mexico and a humanitarian group, called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, are helping the 1,200 immigrants to illegally pass through Mexico and into the United States.

Judd believes the humanitarian group should be prosecuted in the U.S. for their potential crime.

The migrants are also reportedly accompanied by a BuzzFeed reporter who is covering the entire illegal journey.

Judd spoke about the difficulty of stopping the migrants from crossing the border into the U.S.

Judd said that because the U.S. is still following the “catch and release” policy, the U.S. Border Patrol will have no choice but to process the immigrants and release them with a notice to appear in a hearing before a deportation judge.

However, Judd added, that the migrants won’t show up to the hearing and the hearing won’t take place for about “two years from now.”

When asked about how the issue could be controlled, Judd said it depends upon whether the GOP Congress, who controls the House and Senate, will opt to use the nuclear option to stop the catch and release policy.

He also indicated that there needs to be “bed space” created to house immigrants who cross the border until they can have a deportation hearing.

Additionally, Judd commented that it is the “Obama holdovers” who are adding to the problem becuae they have not followed through on Trump’s vision.

Sound familiar?

The question now becomes whether the GOP will listen to Trump or Judd’s suggestions or just ignore them?

The “Republicans in name only” or RINOs continue to reject the idea of using the nuclear option.

Earlier this year, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) indicated that he would not consider using the nuclear option when it came to addressing the budget.

Look how well that turned out when the “bi-partisan” omnibus bill gave us an additional $1.3 trillion spending bill with NO WALL.

Is there anything that Trump can do if Congress won’t act or are his hands tied?

It seems that a president has little authority under the U.S. Constitution in the matter of immigration law because it is expressly given to Congress.

However, as the Commander-in-Chief, Trump could call out the National Guard to stand watch over the border in order to protect the security of America.

While it may be a stretch, it could also be worth a try to send a message to others who seek to infiltrate the U.S., that it won’t be tolerated.




Former TheBlaze Contributor, Stand For Truth Radio Host, former practicing attorney, psychotherapist http://susanknowles.com susan@http://t.co/FMF2ck4Awr