(Video) Rep. Maxine Waters’ Political Rant During Eulogy is ‘Priceless’

3 min readSep 21, 2017


The Left never ceases to amaze at just how inappropriate they can be at times.

You may recall former President Obama giving a “shout out to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow” before addressing the nation about the horrific terrorist attack at Fort Hood in which 13 lost their lives and 31 were injured.

It appeared that as the nation was grieving a tremendous loss, Obama was clueless as to why his ‘festive’ shout out was not suitable under the circumstances.

And then there’s Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) who found it appropriate recently to go off on a ‘political’ tirade about President Donald Trump — -during a eulogy for comedian and activist Dick Gregory.

Instead of honoring Gregory’s life like others who had stepped to the podium, Waters announced that “she had work to do” in the form of “cleaning out the White House.”

Waters’ statement, surprisingly or maybe not so surprisingly, was followed by an eruption of cheers from the crowd.

Dressed in acceptable black attire for the occasion, Waters continued on to the delight of the “grieving” audience, who clapped and encouraged her to proceed:

“We’re going to sanitize the White House. We’re not going to take what is happening in this country. Haven’t you taken enough?”

She then went on to tell the mourners:

“And then comes along this person. This person who does not respect you. This dishonorable human being who cheats everybody! This dishonorable human being who will lie at the drop of a hat.

This dishonorable human being who has the alt-right, and the KKK and everybody else inside his Cabinet!

This dishonorable human being who can criticize everybody but (Vladimir) Putin and Russia.”

Waters concluded by saying:

“Not only are we going to clean out the White House. We’re going to take back the house that slaves built!

And I know my colleagues get very upset. Some get afraid when I say ‘impeachment.

When I get through with Donald Trump, he’s going to wish he had been impeached!

I feel it very deeply — I am so offended by him and I love my people so much I’m not gonna put up with it.”

Waters denied in April during an interview with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin that she had ever called for Trump’s impeachment.

However, tweets don’t lie:

“The President is a liar, his actions are contemptible, & I’m going to fight everyday until he’s impeached.”

It appears that the “fighting everyday until he’s impeached” statement also includes Saturdays and during eulogies.

Way to show respect for those who have passed away!

Always keeping it classy. Right, Maxine?

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Former TheBlaze Contributor, Stand For Truth Radio Host, former practicing attorney, psychotherapist http://susanknowles.com susan@http://t.co/FMF2ck4Awr