What to do… Binge Watch John Wick or Playstation? My Sunday night choices.

Susan Bell
3 min readMar 16, 2020


Journal Entry 3–15–20 Part of “3 Years to Online Freedom Journey

After spending Sunday working on my Youtube Channel videos I considered my evening options.

Keanu Reeves in John Wick 2 & Geralt in Witcher 3
Keanu Reeves in John Wick 2 & Geralt in Witcher 3

Should I enjoy watching Keanu Reeves take down half of New York’s Underground by watching all three John Wick movies back to back or playing Witcher 3 on Playstation?

Both sound like fun and most entrepreneurial minded people would consider either a 6+ hour time killer. Even my personal drive to accomplish more in a day than most, would get the better of me if I wasted away a perfectly good evening. My friends always say I do too much and I should take time off and enjoy one night without working on a project.

So maybe some mindless monster slaying in the popular Witcher 3 video game that I downloaded on my playstation 3 months ago would be a great distraction? I love this game and become completely immersed for hours. During game play I look up and wonder why I’m hungry or when it got dark outside? That sounds like a great Sunday night.

Yet John Wick is one of my favorite franchises and I haven’t watched any of the movies in a long time. I enjoy the fight scenes and the amazing special effects. I loose myself in the story and the characters, yes, even in this blood bath there are characters to like….me personally, I love it!

Why is this such a big choice?

Why not simply do one or the other? It’s not like there is any expiration on my playstation game or the movies, which I own. It’s a big choice because I’m on a 3 year journey to financial freedom and building an online income. Playing playstation would give me the mental break from keyboards and computer screens, but John Wick would give me some background sounds, since I’ve seen them lots of times, and I could work on my 3 Year Journal.

It is important to me that I keep a record of my journey to online financial freedom to help inspire others as I trail blaze my way to success. I believe if I can catalog the high points, low times and the small successes and setbacks then others can follow and get to realize their financial dreams as well.

My mind went around and around as I weighed a much needed diversion from the stress of all that is going on in our world, my job, my projects, my family obligations and my writing. But also some down time that required no real brain power.

What would you do? Which would you choose?

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

I chose John Wick and adding to my journal. I couldn’t let my ‘total slacker’ free to kill monsters. Writing over insane knife fights sounded like a compromise. Let John Wick to the monster slaying. So with some perrier, strawberries and my iPad, I worked on my 3 Years to Online Freedom Journal amongst the gunfire and Keanu Reeves in his sharp black suits.

email me at susanreally@gmail.com



Susan Bell

Inspirational writer, and business coach. Starting each day with a handful of sunshine & willing to share it with you.