Morpheus AI: The First Peer-to-Peer Network of Personalized Smart Agents

7 min readFeb 8, 2024


Decentralized AI protocols like Bittensor (TAO) have recently been making waves in the community. Today, I’m introducing a new AI project with the potential of becoming a future blue chip coin, Morpheus AI.

What is Morpheus AI?

Morpheus is building the first truly decentralized peer-to-peer network of personal smart agents to democratize AI for the general public. The decentralized network enables anyone to connect and access their personal AI agent to trade crypto, execute smart contracts, use DeFi services, and leverage the vast capabilities of AI in a permissionless manner.

In essence, the Morpheus network allows the average users to operate their own AI agent, communicate with it, and have it perform tasks according to their demands and preferences. This development is akin to how Google’s search engine opened up the internet to the public in the 1990s, but for artificial intelligence.

Team & founders

The Morpheus whitepaper was written by the pseudo anonymous authors, Morpheus, Trinity and Neo. They published the paper September 2nd 2023.

There is no formal team, company or foundation. Morpheus is fully decentralized.


David A. Johnston and Erik Voorhees are two contributors to the Morpheus network, and are both strong proponents of decentralization and early crypto adopters. Johnston created the framework for “Dapps” in 2013, and Voorhees is famous for being an early Bitcoin adopter, creating Satoshi Dice, and founding Shapeshift.

Decentralized Revolution

Morpheus AI was developed as a libertarian response to the problems posed by centralized AI. The artificial intelligence industry has become dominated by large centralized companies such as OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft. These companies run closed-sourced LLMs, monetize user data, and gate-keeps the general public with expensive membership fees. Artificial intelligence monopolized under a few large corporations will not only stifle innovation but also pose a great risk of AI technology being misused at the cost of the general public.

Morpheus is committed to changing such a dystopian future by building a platform that provides users with a decentralized, permissionless, personal AI.

Morpheus AI: Architectural Overview

The Four C’s

The four pillars of the Morpheus network are Capital, Code, Compute, and Community. These ensure that the Morpheus network has everything to facilitate a growing ecosystem of Smart Agents.

Capital: Provides stETH yield to the Morpheus network which becomes Protocol Owned Liquidity (PoL). Essentially provides liquidity for the protocol and its components, necessary for bootstrapping the ecosystem and operations.

Code: Runs the Morpheus full node, writes smart contracts, builds node software, and builds smart agents or other software for the Morpheus network. Later, rewards will be awarded to coders based on the popularity/usage of agents within the network, incentivizing improvement and continued maintenance of existing ones.

Compute: Runs a full node, providing computational resources (GPUs, etc) for various AI models to the user on the network. Morpheus network is agnostic and does not discriminate on types of hardware as long as it meets user requirements.

Community: Community builders run the full node and use the Morpheus API to develop user front ends & developer tools.

Smart Rank by David A Johnston

Smart Contract Rank: Ranking Smart Contracts Based On Transactions, Decentralization & Safety

Transactions Score X Dapps Score X DeFi Score = Smart Score

Output = Ranked List of Smart Contracts By Highest Smart Score

David A Johnston innovated the Smart Rank algorithm; he took inspiration from Google’s PageRank algorithm, which revolutionized how websites and data are indexed by ranking webpages based on the quality and quantity of links pointing to them. Similarly, the Smart Rank algorithm enhances Smart Agent’s ability to interact with smart contracts and avoid scams by analyzing transaction count, dapps score, and DeFi score to filter trustworthy contracts from potentially malicious ones.

Example: Let’s say you want to stake $ETH. You tell the Morpheus Smart agent, “Hey, I wanna stake 10 ETH.” the agent will then calculate and suggest the staking protocols with the highest smart score, which from the user can simply choose and stake their $ETH using their personal AI.

The Base Layer for AI Agents

Problem: Open-source LLMs are improving rapidly and are approaching the level of their centralized counterparties. But they lack user-friendly interface for users, API for developers, and cloud solutions for data storage and ability to facilitate AI agents across different platforms and devices.

Solution: Morpheus serves as the base layer zero enabling smart agents to interact across Web3 in a decentralized fashion. The network streamlines all critical infrastructure such as APIs, decentralized cloud functions, wallet, and user-friendly interfaces by rewarding contributors (The Four Cs) providing the public blockchain infrastructure to the Smart Agent community.

Personal AIs: A Natural Evolution of Technology

Most technology starts with the centralized model, such as mainframe computers and landline telephones, until the technology develops to a point where it becomes possible and desirable for individuals to own their personalized version of the technology.

Just as everyone wanted their personal laptop and smartphone, the natural progression for AI is towards personalized smart agents. AI agents tailored to our individual needs, preferences, and behaviors to provide customized assistance and interactions, that is what Morpheus AI is building.

Morpheus could be Crypto’s “Google Moment”

Early Web

Internet before Google, was a bunch of IP addresses, directories, and websites all fragmented and difficult to use, so mainly adopted by highly technical early adopters, similar to crypto.

Google & Web 2.0

Then Google search engine comes along and aggregates/indexes everything. Opening up the internet and making it easy to use for average users. People could just search for what (they need/want to know) and Google redirects to appropriate websites and sources.

Morpheus & Web 3.0

Everyone has their personal smart agent connected to their Web3 wallet with a user-friendly interface that doesn’t require prior knowledge or any tech-savviness. Modern AI agents can understand natural language, have developed beyond only queries, and can now also execute your demands/orders.

AgentStore & Flywheel Effects

Morpheus provides the tools (The Four Cs) for developers to easily build and deploy agents. The network is agnostic, and operates on free market economics, so developers can deploy anything they want, and user can opt to use any agent they want. Morpheus generously rewards its Community & Coders (Developers)

  • Community: Create frontends / tools and bring users into the Morpheus ecosystem
  • Coders: Provide the intelligence to use the frontends, I.E., smart agents

Developers are also directly rewarded by the popularity of their smart agents (more popular = higher rewards). This makes Morpheus poised to develop an Agent Store akin to the App Store, but better.

The Perfect Flywheel

The generous economic incentives attracts more developers that builds a flourishing ecosystem of unique and fun smart agents with different use cases. Which in turn attracts more users to the network, which leads to more fees and $MOR burns, while also creating strong network effects.

Morpheus Token

The ticker for the Morpheus token is $MOR. There will only be 42,000,000 tokens to ever exist.


  • There is no pre-mine, no token sale, and no private sale.
  • $MOR is rewarded each day 24% to the community, 24% to capital, 24% to compute, & 24% to coders, and 4% for protection funds.

Where to buy $MOR?

  • There is no way to buy $MOR now. $MOR will be purchasable 91 days after Feb 8th, 2024.

What is the token utility?

$MOR serves many functions within the network, such as paying to compute providers or paying for specialized Agents released by developers.

However, what makes Morpheus unique is that holding the $MOR token gives users access to decentralized computational power. Holding 1% of $MOR gives users authority to 1% of the network’s compute budget. This way, users do not need to spend to access more computing power continuously; they can just hold their tokens. Thus, the $MOR tokens give access to a pro-rata share of the compute on the Morpheus network.

How to earn $MOR? By providing one of the 4C’s:

  • Capital
  • Code
  • Community
  • Compute

Morpheus — A Network For Powering Smart Agents

“With Morpheus, everyone will have a powerful personal AI capable of thinking with them and taking actions to benefit them. In the same way, the personal computer and the search engine empowered the individual, we have the same opportunity with personal AIs today”.

  • Morpheus, Trinity, & Neo

Thank you for your attention!




Welcome to my blog! I've been in Crypto since 2020, I like to research about new trends and technology. Twitter: Suyu0x