In Search of a Few Good Humans

Swap XWP
4 min readJul 27, 2019


If this was fifty years ago, the title of this piece would not state Humans but it would say Men. Society has come a long way and the rights of women have grown. “Enlightened” people realize a woman is just as good and even better than a man at many tasks. For this reason, I don’t care what sex you were born with or what sex you chose to be now. I care about your skills and the ability to help me further my goals of taking the message of privacy and freedom to those who do not speak my first language of English natively.

I am directly calling for two very special people. The fact of the matter is that the three most powerful countries in the world all speak languages that are alien to each other. One uses symbols and the other two seem close but are practically polar opposites of each other. I should know, my wife is Russian and I can’t read shit and I am fluent in three languages. xD

I am set to start writing fulltime for the cause that we believe in. My goal is to create a tremendous amount of content, not just about Swap, but also about privacy, freedom, cryptocurrencies, how they work, etc. It is my belief that I have the power to disseminate information in a way that the common man can understand it. My entire professional life has been one of taking things of a technical nature and reducing their essence to something the layman can understand. It is how I sold the work that I would do. I know I am pretty good at it. Actually, I am lying. I know I am pretty damn good at it because I learned from my father, a master in his own right.

Not only am I going to be writing, but I am also gearing up to start producing video content because in this day and age it seems that no one wants to read anymore. I grew up reading, as books were greater friends to me than my peers and it has given me certain fundamentals that directly transfer over to this work. It saddens me that people no longer have the desire to read, but understanding this and knowing your demographic simply means you adapt to achieve your goals.

I have been fortunate enough that someone has stepped forward to help me edit the video content I will create and his credentials are impressive. I am amazed at how all the pieces for the puzzle seemingly come out of nowhere just at the right time. Everyone involved feels the electricity in the air. Something special is afoot.

Most critically, I lack two very special individuals who have a gift with words in their natural language. I do not need mere translations of my work as some of my colloquialisms simply do not translate. These individuals must be able to grasp the meanings of my words so that they can, in turn, transform them into words in their native language that convey the same feelings and emotions.

Freedom is a feeling. You FEEL free. Even when caged, there are freedoms to be found. I believe through concerted effort, we can help many see what true freedom is. I need people who believe there is a greater good at stake, that there is a purpose in the tasks before us. I need this simply because it is how I feel in what I am doing and I need to be surrounded by those who share those beliefs as I am simply not strong enough to do this by myself.

While I am directly looking to fill two roles as primary translators for the Chinese and Russian languages, there are thousands of languages in use around this planet today. Translating our message into as many languages as possible is a MUST. We are seeking translators and community ambassadors who believe in the same concepts to spread our message far and wide. To act as the bees that pollinate all that which sustains us. We have bounties for translating our announcement and we hope that our message will convict some to continue doing this work on a volunteer basis.

I firmly believe that through joint cooperation and standing united, we can advance our beliefs. It takes courage and moral fortitude to stand up in the face of the massive juggernaut of big data that looms before us. The team and I have decided to make a stand, who is with us?

If you are interested, please reach out to me on Discord or Telegram. The links are below. You will find me online as PharmEcis.



Swap XWP

A community developed crypto coin striving for robust privacy, ecosystem fairness, full transparency, secure blockchain, and easy use.