5 Best Ways To Amplify Your Business Through Twitter

Swati Sharma
3 min readJun 27, 2017


Twitter is one of the most intriguing and challenging social media platforms and marketing tool as it allows its users to share their message in only 140 characters and this character limit forces its users to be creative, on the point and informative, all at one time, in one tweet. Despite of the popularity of other social media platforms like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and youtube, twitter has maintained its exclusivity and appeal. It offers various ways to engage with potential consumers, like Trending Topics, Hashtags, Mentions, Moments and Search. You can also reach the wider audience, national and international, through Twitter Ads.

Here are 5 smart ways to amplify you business through twitter:

  • Target Wider Audience:
    Currently twitter has nearly 328 million active monthly users, which gives you an opportunity to target and reach the larger audience, nationally and internationally. You can promote your business on twitter through hashtags or by simply tagging people in your post and make them the part of your conversation or campaign. It’s easier to start conversation on twitter compare to any other social media platform.
  • Become Friends With Search Menu:
    You can find Hashtags and Trending topic through search menu. Hashtag is a very popular social media tagging system of Twitter which helps you to connect with the other Twitter users who are interested in the same topics as you and using same hashtags. Hashtags makes your business more discoverable and by searching trending topics, you can get to know what topics are being talked about the most. You can use the trending topics to take part in the conversation or can promote your own business.
  • Notice Your Notifications:
    The most useful feature of this social media platform for your business is, notifications. Notifications lets you know whenever somebody is talking about you or your company and this helps you to quickly respond to your customers or clients that are mentioning your business or wants to connect with you. As soon as somebody tweets their problem with your product or service, you can instantly give them solutions. If somebody enquires about your product or service, you can answer them without much delay. People appreciate the fact that their voices are being heard and their calls for helps are getting answered. This not only helps you to connect with your customers and clients promptly but also creates a positive image of your business or brand on social media.
  • Get Engaged:
    Twitter is a great place to network and connect with other businesses from similar industry, with similar interests. The more you comment, retweet, favorite and interact with other businesses, the more they are likely to return the favor for your account by doing the same. The moment someone retweet your tweet, your post starts appearing on their twitter feed as well. This way, you are not only reaching your own followers but are also getting viewed by the followers of others.
  • Invest On Twitter Ads:
    Twitter focuses on providing a quality ad experience to the businesses as well as to the customers. Here you can customize your ad on the bass of interests, gender, device, geography or users similar to your followers. You can even place the ads by targeting specific words or specific phrases in various tweets. But this is something which you can do on other social media platforms as well so how is Twitter different?
  • Well, what makes twitter stand out is the fact that here you only need to pay for what works i.e. you will only pay when somebody follows your account, retweet you, like your tweet or reply on it. This is a great advertising model for the startups, entrepreneurs, small businesses or businesses which have tight marketing budget.

