
2 min readJul 19, 2017


When this Sŵn adventure began a decade ago, a big driving force for us was discovery. We wanted people to come to Cardiff, perhaps for the first time, and see the City we loved and called home. We wanted the Welsh and wider music industry to pick up on emerging bands from Wales. We wanted folk to wander through new spaces or come across venues they’d never stepped into. We wanted people to hear great new bands.

We’re proud that all of this happens at Sŵn. Discovering music, venues, places, people, language and the city is a key part of what makes the festival magic.

This year’s Sŵn Festival may feel a little different but discovery will remain at the heart of everything we offer. As we do this, it remains vital that the freshest names aren’t trampled by the more established ones. So in this new look Sŵn we’ve also built the final day of the festival upon the foundation that started us off so many years ago. A single Saturday where you can buy one wristband, move between venues, and feast upon an array of wonderful new acts. We tried to come up with a catchy new name for it, but for so many, it will always be Sŵn.

Where we once span this out across a weekend, we’ve made it leaner and meaner and packed it into a single day. With the festival now reaching across a whole four weeks, this Saturday will serve as a climatic finish to the festival. With many people travelling into Cardiff for this closing weekend we’ve kept Sunday clear for you to nurse hangovers and tired feet to head slowly home, ears packed full of great new discoveries.

For tickets and more info visit www.swnfest.com




Cardiff-based event curators & producers. Responsible for Sŵn Festival / Welsh Music Prize / Sŵn Presents / Barod