THE Rebel Writer
3 min readMay 1, 2021

Writers Block: 5 Tips on How Writing prompts Can Help You Kick Butt.

As a writer it’s not uncommon to hear, if you love writing then ….drum rolls please, just write. Writing does not come naturally if you don’t write regularly.

In case you’re looking to kick writers block in the butt or arouse your creative imagination, using writing prompts can prove beneficial.

Writing prompts can be considered as short ideas or sentence that can be used as topics in order to jumpstart writing.

If you’re looking for ideas to get your project going, writing prompts will benefit you in these 6 ways;

1.Writers Block

From time to time writing block gets the best of us. When working on a project you might find yourself stuck. Lack of ideas and non-creative flow can force you to stop working altogether.

Finding yourself in this predicament requires quick action; you can use writing prompts to write again. Using a prompt to write automatically relaxes you. With a relaxed mind your brain forges through the mental block.

2.Creative Skills

Prompts are designed to give your mind a mental boost. The prompts force your imagination to run wild. Writing prompts have no rules hence no pressure when writing.

Lack of pressure means all system go. lack of restrictions while using prompts enables you to write whatever comes to mind without a stop.

3.Think Outside the Box

Look for an empty box, scribble pieces of paper with writing prompts then save them for a rainy day. Reading through your prompt collection can help spark new ideas.

New ideas are explored beyond your comfort zones. The ideas force you to explore differ rent writing styles or pitch unexpected storylines.


We go the gym to build muscle; the same can be said about writing. Consistent writing helps flex your mental muscle.

Writing prompts encourages daily writing, this helps perfect your craft. What better way to cure writers block than to write consistently.

5.Writing for Long

When writing is fun you can write pages effortlessly without self editing. As writers most of us suffer from perfection syndrome. Delete this, cut that, re-structure here, re-read then re-write again.

Such is the life of a writer. Writing and more writing without self editing is good practice, it instills the habit of writing long articles over and again without mental drain.


The exercise of creating an idea box streamlines your brain into shape. As a writer we have days where our ideas are all over the place.

The process of noting down ideas helps capture countless ideas swirling around in your mind. An uncluttered mind helps you narrow down on what’s important in regards to your projects.

Mind focus helps a writer achieve set objectives, and squash mental blocks.

Final Thoughts
If used properly writing prompts can be used to overcome writers block, cure procrastination and improve your craft. As you polish you grammar through consistent writing feel free to leave a comment on your thoughts in regards to writing prompts.

THE Rebel Writer

When I play with words I am sane and I am connected to the world.