EthicHub is live on Symmetric

3 min readJul 7, 2022


Just in time for the start of REFI Summer on Celo!

TL:DR Symmetric is proud to bring some big news to help kickoff REFI summer on Celo. EthicHub and Symmetric are proud to announce Ethix is available on Symmetric. Trading is underway and incentives start today, July 7th at 5 pm GMT!

Symmetric and EthicHub

Get a cold drink and your beach towels, because Symmetric Finance is proud to (unofficially) announce the start of REFI Summer on Celo. In the first in a string of what is sure to be a ton of exciting REFI news on Celo Chain, EthicHub has officially arrived and Ethix token is here! Feels like home sweet home.

EthicHub comes to Celo well established in the world of REFI, having already made a tremendous impact in the lives of families and farmers from Mexico to Brazil while bringing returns to the shareholders that invest in them across the globe. EthicHub is building a more collaborative and inclusive financial system with unbanked farmers at its center and real world economics at its core.

The ETHIX token helps to bring it all together, providing insurance for the loans that protect shareholder investment. As EthicHub only invests in profitable projects, EthicHub currently boasts project repayment of 98.8%. This means financial impact for investors and the people behind the projects they bring capital to, aligning incentives towards mutual benefit.

Initial liquidity for ETHIX has been deposited in an ETHIX (80) — CELO (20) pool on Symmetric finance and trading is underway on our DEX. To bootstrap robust initial liquidity, EthicHub and Symmetric are providing liquidity incentives in the form of SYMM and ETHIX tokens.

So what next? You know what to do: First, get your hands on ETHIX by visiting the Celo side of our DEX here. Provide liquidity and earn rewards on Symmetric Farms. Next, visit EthicHub where you can support farmers without access to traditional banking services by purchasing their superb coffee and become an Ethichubber by investing directly in their projects, with a return of 8% per year. Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated, it is going to be one hot REFI summer on Symmetric and Celo.

About Symmetric

Symmetric is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) that runs on the Celo and Gnosis networks. It aims to eliminate barriers to entry to DeFi and make it accessible to all. In traditional finance, centralized exchanges — those that involve third parties in asset transactions — use an order book to match buyers and sellers. In DeFi, DEXes and AMMs allow for trades to be executed in a permissionless and transparent way.

Symmetric DAO

Community-run and owned, anyone can create and raise a proposal for token holders to vote on. The Symmetric DAO is hosted on the DAOhaus platform.

Additional information about the DAO and governance can be found here.

How to Get Involved

In addition to providing liquidity, community members looking for alternate ways to participate can get involved during the early stages of the project by completing predefined deliverables and getting compensated with bounties, in the form of Symmetric governance tokens.

Community is invited to contribute through the project backlog:

Disclaimer: Symmetric advises all users and stakeholders to do their own research before participating in any swaps or pools. We strongly suggest that users only add or swap liquidity that they can afford to lose. LP tokens and Defi carry risk. The views expressed in this post are not financial advice.

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Symmetric is a multi-chain Automated Market Maker (AMM) & Decentralized Exchange (DEX) (