Orgone Energy 101: Understanding the Healing Power of Orgone Pyramids

Harshita S
4 min readJan 23, 2023


In recent years, orgone pyramids have become a popular energy tool in holistic and healing circles. These pyramids create a powerful effect by balancing the electromagnetic energies in our environment. With the rise of electronic pollution from cell phones, WiFi, smart meters, and other wireless technology, it’s no exaggeration to say that we live in a sea of invisible electronic pollution. Common effects reported from electronic frequency pollution include fatigue, irritability, and lack of concentration. But how can we fix this situation?

The Orgone Theory

The orgone theory was first developed by Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst in the 1930s. After many experiments, he proposed that an etheric bio-energetic life force existed that animated our environment. His idea wasn’t unique — most traditional cultures held a common belief in an invisible life energy that animated the material world — called Chi in Chinese, Prana in the Indian system, Mana by the Polynesians, Odic Force in Europe, and by many other names across the planet.

In Reich’s view, the key to physical and mental health was the balance of this orgone energy which he divided into two categories — ‘Positive Orgone Energy’ (POR) and anti-biological ‘Deadly Orgone Energy’ (DOE). He saw positive orgone as organized, structured, and coherent, while anti-biological deadly orgone energy was ‘stagnant’ and led to decay and entropy — very similar to the idea of ‘blockages’ in Chinese medicine. Reich built various orgone devices such as the Orgone Accumulator Box (composed of alternating layers of wool and metal) which accumulated and infused a patient with a high concentration of orgone energy. Faster healing, increased plant growth, and positive effects on chronic health problems were noted.

Reich expanded his theory and proposed that bio-energy could affect planetary ecosystems, including weather patterns. Thus the Wilhelm Reich ‘Cloud Buster’ was born. It consisted of an array of metal pipes and tubing connected to water, the energetics of which he claimed could draw orgone energy to the ground producing rain.

While Wilhelm Reich’s work was groundbreaking, his talk of ‘orgasmic’ life energy (the orgasm being the spark and root of life) and non-traditional experiments drew harsh persecution from authorities. Both the Nazis and Communists in Europe and the American Food and Drug Administration went as far as to mark anything written by Reich or containing the word ‘orgone’ fit for incineration. Wilhelm Reich died broke and destitute in 1957 while in prison for violating FDA regulations — a fate similar to many other visionaries like Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife.

Despite the persecution of Reich and his work, the orgone theory has continued to be studied and developed by other researchers and practitioners. Today, orgone pyramids are used as energy tools to help balance and harmonize the electromagnetic energy in our environment. These pyramids can be placed in a room, buried in the earth, or placed in a body of water to continuously clean the orgone energy within a specific area.

The orgone pyramid is made of a mixture of metallic particles suspended in an organic medium, usually resin. The pyramid shape is believed to amplify the orgone energy and the crystal at the top of the pyramid is said to act as a focus point for the energy. The pyramid is believed to attract harmful orgone energy and convert it to healthy orgone energy, emitting it again as a flow of healthy energy.

Many people have reported positive effects from using orgone pyramids, including improved physical and mental health, increased energy levels, and improved overall well-being. Some practitioners even use orgone pyramids in meditation to enhance the effects of their practice.

While the orgone theory and its practical applications may still be met with skepticism by some, the continued use and effectiveness of orgone pyramids in energy healing and balancing cannot be denied. Whether you’re looking to improve your personal energy field, counteract the effects of electronic pollution, or simply improve your overall well-being, orgone pyramids may be worth exploring as a tool for achieving balance and harmony in your life.

In conclusion, orgone energy and orgone pyramids offer a powerful tool for healing, balancing and harmonizing the electromagnetic energies in our environment. Its an ancient and lost technology based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, offers a natural and effective way to counter the effects of electronic pollution and improve overall well-being. With the increasing prevalence of electronic pollution in our environment, orgone pyramids may be worth considering as a tool for achieving balance and harmony in your life.

Orgone Energy Pyramid imagined by



Harshita S

Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Mycophile | Independent Researcher | Subtle Energy Sciences | My pronouns are : I/Told/ You So