Synthetix Grants DAO Website Design Competition

The gDAO needs a new home to live and operate from

Synthetix Grants
3 min readMar 9, 2021

Competition Scope

After the re-launch of the Grants DAO in February 2021 we are finding our feet, running initiatives and starting to work on more advanced Grants. But to do so properly and transparently, we need a new home.

We are running a gDAO Site Design competition to find the best designer to help create a stunning new home for us.



The core Synthetix Brand needs to be respected and included, but the overall look and feel should be creative and in line with the objective of the Grants DAO.

Pages & Functionality

The Site will consist of the following Sections:

  • Home — Introducing the Synthetix gDAO, its Vision & Mission.
  • Blog/Articles — This page will list all the “articles” we publish. From here the user can click-through to read the detail of each article.
  • Member Voting — This page will list currently elected gDAO members. It will also show a history of votes per snapshot. Each elected gDAO member will have a NFT indicating their membership. This NFT should be displayed on the page.
  • Grants — This page will list all Grants applied for and their current status. From here you can (a) Apply for a Grant, which will take you to an application page. And (b) details page per Grant listed.
  • Initiatives — This page will list all the Initiatives run by the gDAO and each one’s status. From here you can click through to a details page for each Initiative.
  • Treasury — This page will list the gDAO contract funds balance as well as a list of transactions to and from the contract address, with linking to Etherscan.

Select Multiple Languages option. The default language should be English. In a future Grant will we add multi-language support.

Links & References

Synthetix Branding

Brand guidelines

Staking Dapp


Old gDAO Proposals

gDAO member voting


We require a minimum of 3 pages to be designed in detail. However, you can present more design work if you feel it will give you an advantage over your competitors.

  1. The Home page
  2. Grants or Initiatives page
  3. Detail page as a click-through from Grants or Initiatives

We need online access to your design submission for review as well as source files. Once your design is submitted it will belong to the gDAO.


Qualifying Round (7 days)

During the first 7 days, designers submit concepts to the contest. The concepts do not need to be final design quality (mockups are fine). Designers are free to submit more than one concept. During the qualifying round, gDAO will be free to give feedback. There is no limit to the number of finalists, gDAO will select all promising submissions.

Submissions and communication will be done via gDAO Group DMs on Discord.

Finalist shortlist selection (2 days)

The gDAO will take 2 days to select a shortlist of finalists from the submissions in the Qualifying round. We will give feedback to each of the finalists to guide them closer to the vision of their final design submission.

Final round (7 days)

During the final round, designers revise and update their designs to perfection and can work closely with gDAO for adhoc feedback.

Winners chosen (3 days)

After the final round, the gDAO will choose winners.

START DATE: March 10th 2021


1st Place — 350 SNX + 1st option to design full site

2nd Place — 200 SNX + 2nd option to design full site

3rd Place — 100 SNX + 3rd option to design full site

Note: An additional Grant of 500 SNX will be made available to the winner to work with the Dev(s) for the full site design and integration of the gDAO site.

