Synthetix Staking Telegram Bot Tutorial (PC/Mac)

SNX Staking c-ratio notifications

Synthetix Grants
4 min readJun 23, 2021

Users can use this Telegram bot to set notifications for their Synthetix c-ratio. It’s useful to receive a notification when your c-ratio reaches above or below a certain threshold.

For example, when a users c-ratio is above 500% they will be able to claim rewards. Or if a users c-ratio drops below the 200% liquidation threshold they can fix it to avoid liquidation. No more constantly checking the app!

This version of the bot can be considered a beta release so we welcome any feedback you may have. Follow the tutorial below to get setup using the bot 👇

Create Private Channel with Bot (PC Version)

This is a necessary step to protect users anonymity when using the bot. Only the channel ID will be added to the bots database.

  1. Select New Channel in Telegram
  2. Name your channel
  3. Ensure “Private Channel” is selected
  4. Add Members: add @snx_track_bot by using search
  5. Click “Make Admin” when prompted
  6. Ensure in the Settings that the Bot can at least “Post Messages
  7. Enable notifications in your new private channel
Name your channel
Make sure it’s private
Add the bot as a member
Make the bot Admin
Ensure in the Settings that the Bot can at least “Post Messages”
Enable notifications

Create Private Channel with Bot (Mac Version)

This is a necessary step to protect users anonymity when using the bot. Only the channel ID will be added to the bots database.

Create Private Channel

  1. Select New Channel in Telegram
  2. Name your channel
  3. Ensure “Private Channel” is selected
  4. Enable notifications in your new private channel

Add @snx_track_bot as an Administrator

  1. Click on Channel Profile
  2. Select “Administrators
  3. Select “Add Admin
  4. Search & Select @snx_track_bot
  5. Ensure in the Settings that the Bot can at least “Post Messages

Activate the Bot

In the new Private Channel type register

The bot will respond if you’ve done everything correctly:

Nice. 😎

Tracking Addresses

For L1 stakers: Type in track <your address>

For L2 stakers: Type in track <your address> l2

Example: track 0x42f9134E9d3Bf7eEE1f8A5Ac2a4328B059E7468c
Example: track kain.eth

ENS support, nice. 😎

Using Basic Commands

Get current c-ratio:

Type in “ratio

Set notification for when c-ratio is above X (example 500%):

Type in “above 500

Set notification for when c-ratio is below Y (example 200%)

Type in “below 200

More Commands

Typing “help” will give you a list of commands and bot documentation.

Power users can use shorthand commands. View the list of abbreviated commands by entering “shorthand

