Ghost’s Shadow


T.S. Narkissa Luna
2 min readNov 27, 2018

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I was walking amongst deserts and seas,
Pains and fears that lived way in depths,
Most of them, apart of my feet,
Where it becomes that I was —
Amongst what couldn’t be saved.
I might’ve been the ghost
I might’ve been the only voice left in the dark
I won’t be the soul that draws me away in life,
I might’ve been the tired piece that sleeps
Might be all that could be.
But for things that might
I missed the whole of everything
For it was this, that killed parts of me
If only, only, only,
It was this, that confused and conjured me.
Was I as haunted as the ghost that walks any street,
Where I’d known no home,
No place to stave off the emptiness,
Or was I just hope to fill my piece with-
A glue that none but fate could set to my side.
If it were just me and its shadows,
Then I would know only a stone that talks to my feet,
Just like the moon would to its beloved seas,
I would continue again into its depths —
Only to find a sapphire beauty
Given to me at the moment I shed the veil
That sieged me in silent sleep,
I will be amongst humans,
And human, I shall be.
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T.S. Narkissa Luna

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night.