Grand Plans After Death


T.S. Narkissa Luna
2 min readJun 10, 2019
Photo by Makenna Entrikin on Unsplash

The moment —
Where peace was supposed
To meet me —
Was the moment death was
An honest thing to believe
To be.

Despite its grandeur,
Was a part of the human —
Where its state gives no reasons,
None to believe in it,
But you feel it.

Plans after plans,
What happens after —
Who knows if it's all futile,
Just the place of a mind,
Caring for the living that stays,
And forgetting the living that goes.

They, I,
Were a part of them,
A collective where we know life,
Banished, journeying,
To a place of true unknown,
How gracious it was to think of —
At least at the thought of leaving.

Would the moon be the same,
Would the dark match the light,
Would the corners of fear follow,
Who would meet us at the start,
Is there a choice?

Will lungs full of air necessary,
Is a heart still beating,
Can I still taste my lips,
Will the smells be persistent or non-existent,
There are so many questions,
All of which I know I can’t resist —
Thinking about them.

Oh well,
When it comes,
I will ask all I like,
Maybe then peace will be forever,
Maybe it’ll be eternal,
Maybe life will be —
But the forgotten memory….
— —



T.S. Narkissa Luna

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night.