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Steadily Empty


T.S. Narkissa Luna
1 min readAug 28, 2018


— —

Maybe I will always be empty,

Maybe I have too many words to spout

Before I become steady,

I may lie in something of the beauty

You’d given me long before

You knew me,

Unless there be a person with your gentle.

Have I not earned the peace you offered,

Or did I earn but lose with my fear,

I would not walk too free

If peace was all I had to lose,

I would walk free,

If only I brought my hand and nothing.

I don’t ask for anything,

For you have nothing to offer me,

I’m over being a part of the empty streets

That you leave to me to ponder in,

There are too many empty thing to be thought of,

Too many that at the end of it,

I would find nothing of them,

So I spare myself of self pity and wallow,

I’m over the stead empty that resides too close to me.

— —



T.S. Narkissa Luna

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night.